I guess it's time to update.

Sep 02, 2005 21:33

A lot has happened since my last post. For once, my in-laws came down for a visit about a month ago. It's a whole dramatic experience right there. I hate my father-in-law to a point where I only talk to him when he says something to me, and I only say the bare minimum. And my mother-in-law drives me nuts, with all the stuff that she's "never" done in her life, and I personally have seen her do a bunch of them. In fact, she drives me nuts with the fact that she's even breathing. Anyway, I won't be getting into any details here, because it would take up too much space.

Last Monday was a horrible day for me. It started earlier, the week before. I had some trouble with my online class. My posts into the discussion forum were showing up as 0 (zero) instead of P for pending. So I contacted my instructor. She told me to contact technical support. I did. I got a message from them saying that yes, in fact my grades were showing up as zero (duh!! isn't that what I said?) and they told me to contact my instructor (again) and ask her what grades she gave me for those posts. So I wrote back to her, including a copy of the email from the TS. I got an email from her Monday morning, saying that if I had grades concerns I should have contacted her first instead of writing to technical support...... now maybe I'm dumb or something, but didn't she TOLD me to contact the TS????? I was so pissed I couldn't see straight. I got in the car and went of to school. I stopped at my baby-sitter's house to drop off my son (she lives about 20 miles away from my house). She wasn't there. I called her on her cell phone. It turned out she was at the airport, another 30 miles away, picking someone up. So now I didn't have time to go back and take my son home. I just called my husband and told him to come to my school to take him back. I finally got to school. I was supposed to do a presentation. My jump drive didn't want to work in the computer with the projector. I was soooo ready to either kill someone, or sit down and cry. We did manage to get it working, but the whole day was just shot for me....

To make things even "better", on Saturday we went to get some bricks. My husband found out that someone was giving away bricks for free, and since we wanted to build a patio in the back yard, it sounded like a great idea. We got to the place, loaded up the car, and just as we were finishing, my husband says that he was stung by a bee in the neck. We didn't think much about it and started to get ready to leave. Suddenly my husband said that he thought the bee was still there and asked me to look. I did, and saw something brown and furry, something I've never seen before. I just said "what the hell is that?". My hubby started to wave his hands trying to get it off of him. He finally flipped it off..... straight at me. It hit me in my thigh (I was wearing shorts) and of course it stung  me as well. We got home and the first thing we did was look up online what it was. It turned out it was a certain kind of a caterpillar, called the puss caterpillar. It's the most poisonous caterpillar in the US. And the bigger they get the more poisonous they are. Well, this one was definitely big. We immediately went to the doctor. Fortunately it wasn't anything major, although it was quite painful. I still have a mark on my leg where this stinking bug hit me.

This weekend is also a major disaster and it barely even started. I was supposed to go visit a friend whom I haven't seen in a year (on the 6th will be a year exactly). I was supposed to leave on Saturday and come back Monday. At least that's what we planned out. Well, my husband decided to be nice, and he took the day off from work so I could go up to visit the friend a day early. I tried to reach my friend since last night to tell him I was coming up earlier, but no luck. I left this morning (again I tried calling him at work to let him know I was coming up) but no luck again. I was about 3 hours into the trip (it's a 6-8 hour drive) when I got a call from him saying that he won't be home this weekend because of all the stuff that is going on in New Orleans (he's in the military, so he had no choice about it). So, I had nothing left to do but to turn around and drive back home. I'm really disappointed at this point. My new semester starts this week (another thing I miscalculated. I though I had 2 weeks break, not 1 :(  ) so who knows when I'll be able to visit him again.

So yeah, it's been really "fun" for me lately.

friends, family

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