... since I've updated. I guess I should post a little bit here ^_^
Well, I'm still behind on my school work. It seems like it's getting worse every week. I've started to think that maybe I wasn't ready to go back to school after all *lol*. My husband and son are gone for the weekend, so I'm hoping to catch up on some of the stuff. My son will stay with his grandparents for about a week or two. It makes me actually nervous because I know how they drive and it scares me to think that I'm putting my son's life in their hands. But they've been asking to have him over for quite a while and my son was looking forward to his little vacation as well, so all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best.
I finally got to see "Hero" with Jet Li. I've been wanting to see it for so long. I must say I was disappointed with that movie. The concept was interesting, but they had too much wire work when it came to the fighting scenes. I don't mind occasional use of the wires, but I'm a fan of the more realistic martial arts. And "Hero" was loaded with it. Plus, even though the concept of the story was interesting, I wasn't really impressed with the way they executed it. On the other hand, I really enjoyed "Hitch" with Will Smith. I knew it was a romantic comedy but it wasn't quite what I expected either. Although, in this case I was rather pleasantly surprised. I loved Will's character - Hitch, who wasn't quite the typical smart ass kind of guy (even though lovable most of the time) that Smith usually plays.
I started watching several new anime as well. No idea if I ever manage to finish watching them. I guess I should be doing my school work instead of watching anime or reading manga *lol* Anyway, the first one is "King of Bandit Jing". (read a review
here) I love Jing. He's such an awesome character. And you just have to love Kir- his pal bird. I don't think he'd be as funny as a human though. I also started to watch (another attempt) "Kikou Sennyo Rouran". (
review) It's interesting and it's mecha so I don't know why I can't seem to finish this one. It's not really that long, only 24 episodes, about 10 minutes long each. And it does have some drool worthy guys, like
Tetsuya or
Yamato. Well, I guess one of those days I'll finish it. *lol*
I also got some bad news related to manga. "Black Cat" has been licensed *sniff sniff* And the group -
Akatsuki Manga - that I used to download it from already took down their links and moved it to dropped projects. And I was only 4 volumes away from having the whole manga. It really sucks. ~_~ On the other hand, I hope that they hurry up with releasing the anime for this manga. The same group also posted a few nice scans from a Japanese magazine that talks about the anime. I can't read Japanese but the pictures are still nice to look at. And those boys look as hot as ever
*drools* Well, that's enough of an update, I guess. I'll try to post something soon.