Feb 14, 2012 22:44
Slept really little 4 hours: sadness and irritation so worke up and typed the last bits of the proof.
Irritation of 13th does not recede.. again discussions for nothing.. no clarity shit management- obman! Makes me so furious..
well it this is like that I'll concentrate on something else.
And the cold has gone away.. oh my little dear cold iceberg cold why did you leave.. now it is warm and I feel energyless.
Put a puff skirt and long stockings.. just to see.. Finished the proof and typed it and programmed the data... looks okay. hurray. Somehow Kel trying too consciously not to notice. Noticed. Ciggie smoke.
Boring place where people think so slowly. Chuvak irritates silly.
Still experimenting BDs- still getting curious and noticeable effects or am I making it up?