Oct 02, 2007 17:54
Crash course in too much leverage
July 7, 2007
There is a lesson for us all in Bear Stearns' CDO woes, writes Simon Hoyle - debt can turn nasty, so monitor it closely.
AdvertisementWHEN the US savings and loan industry hit the wall in the late 1980s, that was all about the risks of investing in junk bonds. And when Nick Leeson brought Barings Bank to its knees, it highlighted the risks of investing in derivatives.
Right? Well, no. Not really.
Both of those stories were about risk, but not in the way you might think. In the case of the S&L industry, lenders were not paying enough attention to risk management because the Federal Reserve guaranteed their losses - so while plenty could, and did, go wrong, the S&Ls were not held accountable for their actions.
And Leeson was approving his own derivatives trades - so there was no risk management there at all.
In the wake of these problems, it would have been foolish to avoid applying to the local credit union for a home loan, or to stop using derivatives for legitimate trading and hedging purposes.
In the same way, when National Australia Bank discovered in early 2004 that it employed a team of rogue foreign exchange dealers, you'd have been mad to stop travelling overseas because you suddenly thought currency markets were too dangerous.
And when the US's fifth-largest investment bank, Bear Stearns, announces it is putting up as much as $US3.2 billion ($3.7 billion) to bail out its asset management business, which runs hedge funds that invest in the bonds of so-called collateralised debt obligations (CDOs), investors should not automatically shun CDOs. Rather, they need to look more closely at why the bank and its funds got into trouble.
At the epicentre of the Bear Stearns troubles is leverage, or the use of debt - substantial amounts of it - to boost returns. One of the Bear Stearns funds is leveraged 20 times - that is, its effective investment exposure is 20 times the amount that investors have put into the fund.
In good times, leverage can make returns look great. Unfortunately, it can also magnify losses when things go wrong.
There are CDOs in managed funds offered to Australian investors. Often these funds are marketed and promoted as "structured" products, or as offering a high yield (income).
But blaming CDOs per se for the Bear Stearns situation is like blaming the car for crashing, not the driver. There's a perception that CDOs are inherently risky; that, in the words of a fund manager, who asked not to be named, they have "an inbuilt lit fuse".
"But that's not the case," the fund manager says. "In short, what brought Bear Stearns - and some other UK-based hedge funds - undone was too much leverage in the funds.
"In other words they used too much borrowed money to invest in the CDO instruments, and when the underlying value of those instruments, which are effectively no more than just bonds, went down, because interest rates went up, it triggered a 'margin call' on the leverage.
"[The problem of] Bear Stearns is more about poor portfolio and risk management and too much leverage. Even homeowners can get into trouble with leverage if they borrow too much to buy a house which subsequently declines in value.
"But that is not the fault of the house itself - it's up to the homeowner to manage the debt, make sure the selection of house is sound and that they don't pay too much for it."
Simon Ibbetson, director of investment consulting at Standard & Poor's, says the best way to think of a CDO is as a pool of different types of loans, "bundled up, and then sold".
The loans could be mortgages, bonds issued by companies, credit card debts - quite a long list. As with any loan, the borrowers pay interest, which flows through to the CDO. The borrowers also eventually repay what they've borrowed.
Once the CDO originator has accumulated its pool of loans - the assets on which it earns income - it then issues debt and equity to fund the purchase of those loans.
This debt and equity can be purchased in the market by investors, in line with the investors' individual risk and return profiles.
Ibbetson says there are three levels, or tranches, in a CDO. The first tranche is generally referred to as investment grade, the second level is referred to as non-investment grade (and both of these are debt), and the third is the equity tranche.
Before buying any of the debt or equity, however, investors have to understand exactly what sorts of risks they're exposed to. One way to do this is to think of the investment opportunities in a CDO in the same way that you might think about the different investment opportunities in a listed bank.
If you are an extremely risk-averse investor, you might choose to invest in a bank's fixed-term deposit.
You might not earn the world's highest return, but at least the return is secured, and you know you'll receive it. This is like investing in the most secure debt tranche of a CDO, which is typically rated AAA.
If you're comfortable taking on a little more risk, but still prefer the certainty of a regular income stream from your investment, then you might choose to invest in the bank's corporate bonds, which might be rated A or BBB. Assets on the bank's balance sheet secure these bonds but they are considered more risky than the term deposits.
In the same way, a CDO issues less secure bonds, rated from AA all the way down to B.
The general rule is that the lower the rating, the higher the return on those bonds and the higher the associated risk.
The risk that the ratings refer to is the likelihood of the bond suffering a default: a situation where the CDO (or bank) doesn't earn enough income on its assets to pay the interest on its term deposits or bonds.
It would take quite a financial calamity for a bank to default on a fixed-term deposit. Similarly, the sort of financial disaster required for AAA-rated bonds issued by a CDO originator to default would also be quite large. It might be easier, however, to think of examples where a bank's corporate bonds have defaulted, and this is similarly the case with lower-rated bonds issued by CDOs.
Even though a rating assesses the likelihood of a particular bond's defaulting, Bear Stearns is gnashing its teeth because the highly rated bonds it owns have not been impaired by defaults, even though defaults in the sub-prime lending market which those bonds reference have been steadily rising.
Something clearly went wrong, however. It turns out that default risk is not the only risk that bonds issued by CDOs are subject to.
Like any debt instrument, the value of the bonds depends in part on movements in interest rates and credit spreads. In the Bear Stearns case, it was an increase in credit spreads that brought the funds undone.
(A credit spread is the difference in yield between different securities, which is due to different credit quality or credit ratings.)
The final piece of the CDO puzzle is equity. A CDO's equity tranche is similar to the equity a bank might issue in the form of shares, listed on the stock exchange. Just like bank shares are thought of as being more risky than a bank term deposit, CDO equity is regarded as being more risky than CDO bonds.
But the equity tranche in a CDO is not adversely affected by interest rates or credit spreads. The risk here is the risk of default, and if there's a default, the CDO equity tranche is the first to suffer a loss.
This is similar to the loss in value that a bank's shares might suffer in the aftermath of a profit downgrade.
If a CDO earns less than expected from its pool of assets because a borrower has failed to pay interest, then the profit left for the CDO's equity investors is reduced, and the value of that equity piece falls. However, if credit spreads rise then, if anything, the equity tranche benefits, because its loan assets are typically on a variable rate, so borrowers are required to pay more interest.
But the credit spreads on these liabilities are fixed, so the impact on the CDO equity tranche is a little like what happens to a bank's shares after the announcement of a profit upgrade.
Ironically, even though equity is perceived as the most risky part of a CDO, funds which specialise in CDO equity have experienced the least volatility during the first half of 2007. Because there have been no defaults in the market, there have been no profit downgrades on the CDO equity.
Ibbetson says the behaviour of CDOs as an investment class can be relatively accurately modelled and predicted.
"They're fairly well known, and we model them quite accurately," he says. "Most [CDO originators] allow you to look at their assets, and you can make your own assessments about risk. So CDOs are not an unknown quantity, as long as you know what tranche you are buying."
However, he says the risk to investors in the Bear Stearns funds was magnified many times over by the use of debt. Using debt is helpful for boosting returns when things are going well; the downside is that if you're heavily leveraged - if your debt is a high multiple of your own funds - then if things go wrong, you stand to be blown out of the water. For example, 20-times leverage magnifies a 2 per cent capital loss into a 40 per cent loss.
When credit spreads increased and Bear Stearns was forced to sell their CDO bonds to meet margin calls, they found that liquidity had dried up and those assets were subject to a fire sale.
What made matters worse was that underlying those CDO bonds were pools of sub-prime mortgages that, to a buyer, are looking more and more risky.
The investment advisory group Fat Prophets describes sub-prime loans as "dubious loans extended to marginal borrowers", and says that particularly in the US such lending practices are "now coming home to roost".
"A number of hedge funds that have 'invested' in this poor quality debt via collateralised debt obligations are now getting into trouble," it says.
"The real trouble though is not a few distressed hedge funds, but rather the inability of these funds to 'liquidate' their assets. Or put more succinctly, the inability to liquidate the assets at anywhere near an acceptable price.
"If these sub-prime CDOs were actually marked to market, that is, traded at a realistic, market-determined price, losses would be on the high side, to put it mildly."
When the values of these loans fell, the leverage in the Bear Stearns fund led to a margin call. (That's when lenders ask for some of their money back - or ask the borrower to contribute some cash of their own - because the amount they've lent, as a proportion of the total value of the investment, has become too great.)
It's this magnification effect caused by leverage that Bear Stearns is seeking to avoid by making up to $US3.2 billion available to the funds to (in its words) "facilitate the orderly de-leveraging process".
It wants to make sure, above all else, that the market for its CDO bonds, which its funds have borrowed money to buy into, remains orderly, that there's no fire sale and that the capital values remain, to the greatest extent possible, intact, given that they are AAA and AA-rated securities.
So the main problem facing Bear Stearns and investors in its funds stems principally from the use of a vast amount of leverage.
Ibbetson says there are three parties who need to shoulder blame for the current imbroglio, and all are equally culpable: Bear Stearns for leveraging the fund so highly, banks for lending the money to enable the leverage, and investors for buying into an investment that they really should have known could be exceptionally risky.
credit risk,