My Name Is Rachel Corrie

Jan 24, 2008 12:29

Hello dopplegangers!

With regards to the Palestinian campaign to create a ceasefire in the Gaza region, here is a related story and information regarding a play that is in the Push theater festival in Vancouver Canada regarding a peace activist named Rachel Corrie who was run down by Israeli demolition bulldozers four years hence, while attempting to help a Palestinian doctor protect his home. Billy Bragg has written a song about her as well.

My Name Is Rachel Corrie ~ Vancouver PuSh festival Opening Jan 25, 2008
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PUsh Festival Information
Neworld Theatre ~ "which is co-producing My Name Is Rachel Corrie with Montreal’s Teesri Duniya Theatre, actually signed a deal with the Havana Theatre, where the play opens on Friday, stating that it would not cancel the performance."

“Her words bear witness to the deracinating madness of war,” ~ John Lahr, The New Yorker

The dialogue of the play, based on the journals of Rachel Corrie abroad, takes us through modern western adolescent confusion of passion and complacency into class conflict, chaos and atrocities of zionism, reverse anti-semitism, ethnic displacement around race religion colour creed challenging our core beliefs as priveleged people in our first world comforts. As Rachel tells us in her writings, “It’s hard to be a poet in the midst of this.”

Behind the Story
Interview with Rachel Corrie
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"Just because our fellow citizens in this country are fed an atrociously biased diet of ignorance and misrepresentation by the media, when the occupation is never referred to in lurid descriptions of suicide attacks, the apartheid wall 25 feet high, five feet thick, and 350 kilometers long that Israel is building is never even shown on CNN and the networks (or so much as referred to in passing throughout the lifeless prose of the roadmap), and the crimes of war, the gratuitous destruction and humiliation, maiming, house demolitions, agricultural destruction, and death imposed on Palestinian civilians are never shown for the daily, completely routine ordeal that they are, one shouldn't be surprised that Americans in the main have a very low opinion of Arabs and Palestinians." ~ Edward Said
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Article from CBC Broadcasting
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"There is still hope that the play My Name Is Rachel Corrie, about a young American student killed while trying to stop the Israeli destruction of a Palestinian home, will make it to the New York stage." ~ CBC News

From the get go, Rachel Corrie was a child destined to make a difference making her declaration of wanting to make a difference in a world of hunger, poverty and strife for all children world wide by the year 2000. Similarly, Severn Suzuki made a similar speech which she then presented to the United Nations in 1992, but so far has had the good sense not to challenge tanks and bulldozers. A bulldozer by any other name is a tank under the category of weapons of mass destruction.

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and other related stories

Birmingham UK show solidarity with Gaza

If Americans Knew
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Rachel’s Corrie’s story is the part in us most of us deny, the will to stand up for what is right, all politics and religions aside…

If Billy Bragg’s song doesn’t move you to tears, then you’re not human

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Song Rachel Corrie by Billy Bragg
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Clubside Breakfast Time - Episode 38 - Rachel Corrie Anti-War Episode
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The Lonesome Death of Rachel Corrie by Billy Bragg and More

Rachel Corrie Memorial Site
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Post Your Voices With Avaaz
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if america knew, billy bragg, palestine, gaza peace, rachel corrie, push festival vancouver

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