Blockbuster Breaking Crimes Against Humanity

Feb 13, 2022 20:49

Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr. David Martin Exposes Trudeau Crimes Against Humanity

Dr. David Martin Exposes The Criminal Canadian Monopoly Receiving Money for Bio-weapon Injections
- Why Trudeau Won't Back Down - Used Taxpayer Money to Fund So Called Vaccinations To Pfizer
Additional 10 booster shots per Canadian are already ordered for further injection on the populace.
Identified by patent financier Dr David Martin, follow the money.

*CLICK PIC to watch video: Trudeau Crimes Against Humanity

The mRNA vax - IS - the VARIANT - LUCIFERASE was developed at UBC by investments of Gain of Function mRNA, as a BIO WEAPON connected to WUHAN CCP, University North Carolina Chapel Hill, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, funded by NIAID and Arbutus and AQUITAS. Ingredients such as PROPYLEHTYLENE GLYCOL, ALUMINUM, MERCURY and GRAPHENE are PATHOGEN AGENTS that are RESPIRATORY and CIRCULATORY INTERRUPTORS. In other words, the mRNA vax IS the VARIANT to produce deadly new SPIKE PROTEINS. Each shot is a new strain of pathogen. COVID is NOT a VIRUS. The VAX IS the VIRUS. The false positive PCR test is a trick to get you to take the experimental mRNA vaccine.

What Trudeau didn't tell his Canadian constituents or the world was that Canada controlled the mRNA vaccine platform and was destined to become enriched by both Moderna and Pfizer’s partnership with BioNTech with his financial stake. Trudeau knew that the gene therapy being promoted as a "vaccine" was an economic win for Canada and therefore Trudeau’s Canada had the monopoly on the world’s adoption of mRNA gene therapy shots. He wasn’t promoting science, he was promoting the Canadian economic interest in the weaponized experimental gene therapy illegally promoted as a "vaccine".

The novel Corona virus is not COVID. COVID and SARS-2 is a death agent, ie. BIO WEAPON!

Accomplices in Murder : .

Acuitas UBC research gain of function (In)fidel Justin Trudeau funded, developing the agent Luciferase connected with computer Bill Gates foundation funning into depopulation and digital tracking. Dr Anthony Fauci head of CDC and NIH, funding said gain of function. Universities and bio-agencies such as Pfizer and Moderna, participating in production of said pathogens and chemical agents. The Wuhan lab in CCP China where some of this illegal and illicit technologies are being developed for world population control. Thomas Madden manipulated the patent ownership over to gain of function from Arbutus and Acuitas to Fauci & Co. Peter Daszak motivated pharmaceutical investors to produce gain of function in a patented bio-weapon under a manufactured fear of perceived emergency.

Health Canada, WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, so called “Health Authorities”, compromised doctors acting as sales agents or drug pushers, and all nurses and world health organizations working to administer said poison to human populations. These harmful agents are being implemented in lockstep under the fear narrative of Covid, gain of function weapons based on SARS2, HIV via spike protein and graphene oxide, in conjunction with maltreatment on remdesivir, intubation and asphyxiation in hospitals, which are now death camps.

Economic and banking institutes and financial institutions funding investment for pushing the development and production of said poison agents used in the so called “vaccines” being manipulated as a murder weapon upon an unwary population, or “public”.

Political parties and organizations to achieve public consensus, military force used to coerce singled out groups and individuals, for the manipulation of swaying public opinion. Agenda 2030 lockstep under Covid plandemic, George Soros, Davos, WEC, WHO, CFR, Club of Rome, Rothschild and others world central banks, financing gain of fortune Big Pharmaceutical corporations in co-operation with Global Industrial Military Complex.

MK Ultra mockingbird style mind control programme media mind control manufactured fear propaganda brainwashing an unwary human population, commonly known as the “public”. This is in opposition to the organization of a society commonly known as the “republic”, which is a self-monitoring organization of responsible individuals living by informed consensus and agreement.

*CLICK PIC to watch video: Ali Swenson AP Fakecheck of Trudeau, Pfizer, Moderna collusion

Dr. David Martin gives detailed information on TRUDEAU'S Criminal COVID Monopoly, something held secret and to never be leaked to the Public. Justin Trudeau has no Interest in the health or security of any U.S. or Canadian citizen --- PERIOD!!

GAIN OF FUNCTION equals GAIN OF FORTUNE - mRNA Military Industrial Vax Pass Bio Weapon Death Agent. Big Pharma MODERNA and PFIZER, is GUILTY as charged! COVID19 (Certificate of Vaccination ID 2019).
Fauci NIAID and Canadian Prime Minister (IN)Fidel Trudeau! ARBUTUS, Moderna and Pfizer, China CCP are all guilty of murder. Crimes against humanity. Under NUREMBERG.

See also : Dr David Martin reveals felony statutes of accountability against bio-weapons funded by Fauci NIAID and Canadian Prime Minister (IN)Fidel Trudeau!

The Accused: All witnesses and accomplices to the following Crimes Against Humanity, including all globalist organizations, fincancial institions, education and media conglomerates, tech industry, military intelligence, political puppets, otherwise known as the Industrial Military Global Banking Tech Media Complex and its employees, associates and affiliates

Exhibit A The Murder Weapon: Pfizer/ Moderna experimental lethal poison injection bio-weapon cloaked as (so called) “vaccines” causing death by asphyxiation, and or blood clotting, commonly known a the “zombie apocalypse”.

Containing any of the following poisonous and chemical agents:
mRNA spike protein, attacks human DNA with a cancerous attack of overproducing spike protein proliferation hyper-triggering natural immune system trying to rid body of said poison.

Luciferase, delivery mechanism which activates the spike protein to cultivate the attack the biome of the cells of the human circulatory and respiratory system.

False positive PCR test: Used to hijack individual DNA code so that it can be patented for use in cloning ‘artificial intelligence’, which everyone who comes in contact with, seems to develop. The false positive PCR dna tests were 95% in error with amped cycles used to push inflated numbers to manufacture fear response in an uninformed publis to accept the experimental injection, a hidden agenda to promote the harmful pharmaceutical agents under bio-weapon patents, skewing the optics used to create andpropagate fear propaganda and perceived emergency by government action of so called emergency measures and medical tyranny, which so called authorities and agencies overreach to promote as a so called Covid Vaccine". Health Canada blocked use of traditional early treatment medicines such as ivermectin HCQ quercitin and zpack, known to cure gain of function flu named as "Covid".

Outcome: causing oxitosys, known simply as “cell death”. The lack of healthy creative human brain activity is what is described commonly as the “zombie apocalypse” or obedient “borg” hive mentality.

Mercury, aluminum, along with graphene oxide, used as conductive agents to trace and track, via digital electronic satellite systems, the location and movement of those who have been subjected to it. Some of these agents also infect the reproductive systems interfering with human ability to propagate, or reproduce. Monitoring measuring and tracing.

Outcome: causing heavy metal poisoning, known simply as “cell death”.

These metals have also been used via chemtrails to spray earth atmospheres for the purpose to infest humans with metallic compounds that make them more readily receptacle to stimulus impulse traceable by radar and microwave technologies, ie. 5G. Or in many cases, seriously injured or dead.

H.A.A.R.P. EMF digital monitoring and delivery agents, data and microwave fields including satellite and 5G, DEW energy weapons, used to propagate environmental interference and manipulation in areas of selective populations. Graphene oxide nano-particle digital interface delivered in the spike protein. There is a new world order agenda, attempting to genocide mass world populations and place remaining minorities into controllable monitored hives, called “cities”.

Undisclosed or other secret ingredients for whatever experimental reasons, used to infect and manipulate living organisms.

The above mentioned is producing a rampantly spreading sickness or disease among collective groups of our societ(ities), known as patricide, genocide, suicide or self-annihilation of a living organism, commonly known as “cell death”.

The Defendants: All living organisms, assigned as chattel, you are the meat puppets. Enjoy your oatmeal.

@ 29:00 - 47:30 min Reiner Feullmich - Covid tests are fake, plandemic is illegal plans against humanity
@ 47:30 N Ana Garner Fake PCR test and propaganda media, medical system, government used to build fear
mRNA injections are poison, destruction of democracy and constitution through chaos, to implement
one world government under WEF of the UN under one world bank. Punitive defendants include:
Christian Drosten, Anthony Fauci, Tedros (WHO), Bill Gates, Blackrock, and Pfizer, Klaus Schwab
Sebastian Kurz, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron and many more
So called vaccine digital tracking bio-weapon vax pass, there is no virus
For further information, contact Reiner Feullmich :

Day 1 disclosure:
Alternative feed in case YT takes it down:

Who is Reiner Feullmich & Co


You don’t know what you don’t know:
1) Covid is a seasonal flu, or a bio-weapon under gain of function subject to crimes against humanity.
2) So called “covid vaccines” are untested unsafe mRNA spike protein graphene oxide, causing injury and death on a long term basis with exacerbated comorbidities, which is why it is not a vaccine, but by definition, a bio-weapon.

We have proof of everything. Wilful ignorance is no excuse, nor is simply “following orders”. Wilfully blind negligence is complicity and guilt by association. Egregious acts to cause bodily and emotional harm to individuals and now children is indispicable, that is assault and murder. Crimes against humanity.

Dr. David Martin interview by Stew Peters :

Prime Minister of Canada Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Why are they pushing poison on the Canadian public? Proof. Follow the money.

“The Young Global Leaders … aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. We are united by the belief that today’s pressing problems present an opportunity to build a better future across sectors and boundaries.” - Klaus Schwab, WEC

*CLICK PIC to watch video: Trudeau Puppet for WEF World Leaders (pardon mic noise from interviewer)


"To depopulate the planet to under 1 billion with easily controlled communist Chinese and Japanese whipping bitches to do the bidding of global elites." Seriously? This is actually stated in the global reset book by fourth reich Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Federation in his book COVID-19: The Great Reset July 2020. Read it and weep:

Globalist Depopulation Spike Protein Pfizer Patented in 1990 mRNA domestic bio-weapon

Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative. In this interview Dr. David Martin makes explosive claims of 'patented genocide' which he backs up with facts.

Viral Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interview with Dr. Martin:

The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier : Gain of Function

Read the above document to understand what their criminal involvement is here, complicit in organized crimes against humanity.

Member of Vaccine Choice Canada
Member of Action4Canada

Prime Minister of Canada Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Via : Clothcap
The real Trudeau was arrested for misuse & theft of public funds, & is still on the docket, under arrest by the White Hats. Elite in UK is origin of the Canada mandates.


trudeau, bio-weapon, fauci, health canada, gain of function, cdc, crime story

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