*Note: Specific deaths from vaccine adverse effects and Dr Charles Hoffe in Lytton BC, who upholds his oath to serve the wellness of others and "Do no harm" and has been censored and silenced by unscrupulous mainstream misinformation and Bonnie Henry. Summary document :
via On April 5, 2021 a long practising physician in Lytton BC, bringing adverse reactions in his patients to AstraZeneca so called vaccine, had his license revoked for asking how to deal with this unprecedented anomaly after contacting BC Chief Health Officer Bonnie Henry with concerns as to patient safety after so called vaccine. Dr. Hoffe had his hospital visitation privileges removed, so that he was not able to follow his practice and care for his patients. His practice and the whole town of Lytton has since been (conveniently) devastated by wildfires. See Letter of Concern to Bonnie Henry BC Provincial Health Authority.
Dr. Hoffe released an open letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry on his concerns. Video interview here:
*(Fast forward to 08:00 min to see interview) -
via 2021 BC (before covid/british columbia)
Dr. Charles Hoffe Lytton BC Part 1 Backup video : You know you are over the target when you become censored :
https://youtu.be/752EZogqucg ...Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
Don't watch on Youtube, tell Google, MSM, Big Tech and Big Pharma to go to hell.
Concern mounts over censorship of Canadian doctors
“PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are “practically worthless,” with research now showing that only three per cent of people with a positive PCR actually have COVID-19. -B.C. medical doctor Stephen Malthouse.
Roger Hodkinson, a pathologist in Edmonton, AB, has been wide-ranging in his criticism of the government’s response to the COVID-crisis, including to say vaccines, masks and lockdowns are not needed because the general public is not at risk from COVID-19. He’s also said the vaccines as presently tested are unsafe. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta sent practitioners a letter warning them not to speak to patients, or even neighbours, about a counter COVID-19 narrative. *(Fast forward to 39:25 min to see interview) -
33 people who identify as retired or active medical doctors, journalists, a psychiatrist, a molecular biologist, an immunologist, a general practitioner, a holistic dentist, a homeopath, a chiropractic physician, a retired nurse, a health scientist, a physician, a natural nurse, a retired pharmacist, an acupuncturist, a metaphysicist, and a neurologist, from a variety of countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Poland, and Spain.
The WHO claims on its website that the COVID-19 disease is caused by the weaponized SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that the world became aware of on Dec. 31, 2019, after reports of “viral pneumonia” cases in Wuhan, China (co-funded by Dr. Fauci and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, among others for nefarious reasons and big pharma -sic mine).
The Canada Health Alliance, are a group of medical doctors, nurses and other health practitioners with a goal to protect patients’ freedom of choice and autonomy through informed consent. December 7th, 2020 Watch video:
via The Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth
In response to the CPSO’s order, there has rightly been pushback from the Canadian medical community in the form of the Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth. The Declaration’s website features a petition that has been signed by over 4,700 physicians and concerned citizens at the time of this writing.
The declaration lays out three basic complaints with the CPSO’s order :
Denial of the Scientific Method itself
Violation of our Pledge to use Evidence-Based Medicine for our patients
Violation of Duty of Informed Consent
More elaboration and information can be found on the Declaration’s website :
https://canadianphysicians.org/ .