Special Urgent Message to the Rest of the World

Dec 22, 2020 06:27

Sovereignty 101

Via : https://clothcap.livejournal.com/313027.html

Special Urgent Message to the Rest of the World
Paul Stramer Lincoln County Watch December 16, 2020
By Anna Von Reitz

"Papers you never saw made us all lost at sea and so ethereal beings representing property" - clothcap

In responding to the flood of "concerns" being voiced by Americans, and especially by Americans who have taken our advice and left Babylon months if not years ago, I forgot momentarily about everyone else. Please forgive me.
Here is the rest of the story concerning the Brits and Aussies, Indians and Africans and everyone else.
You are probably not fully aware yet, but "the US" -- a foreign Municipal corporation ultimately operated by the Roman Pontiff, used our country as a pirate base. The form of piracy they were engaged in is commercial piracy. It all took place on paper and was processed through the courts, using "legalities" instead of Public Law.
They used our delegated powers and usurped upon them and abused our United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to this end.
Just as they "converted" our Given Names first into Territorial (Commonwealth) trust property, and then converted those trusts into Municipal corporations, they did the same thing with whole countries.
That is, Australia -- for example, was converted into Australia, Inc., and Australia, Inc., was then converted into AUSTRALIA--- a Municipal corporation operated by the Roman Pontiff and Company, purportedly while acting "for" us, so that we, the Americans, would be blamed for what both "the US" and the Brits (SERCO) actually did while operating in Breach of Trust "in our names".
While this plot is so wide-reaching and diabolical as to stagger one's imagination, there is one silver lining. It was all based on fraud and piracy and all exists only on paper ---paper that was being employed by criminals to bring false claims in commerce and to enforce unconscionable contracts.
Another silver lining is this: we -- the actual Americans -- took action as described in our previous post to protect our country and our countrymen and to rear-end this whole plot. And we similarly protected all of you as we were passing through.
You see, because the Plotters used our country and our USPTO as their pirate base, all these "legal actions" were undertaken here and placed "in our names" so that these brigands could safely operate and then blame us if something went wrong. That means that all this "stuff" they created was in their control, but created "in our names" via our misdirected and purloined international service offices.
So we did the same thing for you all that we did for ourselves.
We accepted their "gifts" of "AUSTRALIA" and "JAPAN" and so on, and returned them to "Australia, Inc." and "Japan, Inc." then, claimed the Territorial corporations and rolled them back into the National Trusts they created, and thence to the Australia Trust and Japan Trust, and then all the way back to Australia and Japan, et alia, returning everything and everyone to Original Jurisdiction at the Nation-State level.
They made it all technically "our" property and hid behind our country as a smoke screen and storefront, so we just made use of this circumstance to claim ownership (temporarily) and then knock it all back to you and distribute the assets and the profits back to the people those assets belong to --- the same way we have done it for our own country, only in the capacity of foreign "owners" distributing their "property".

Read that: you're covered.
The International Trustees acted in Gross Breach of Trust. The Roman Pontiff and British Hegemony acted disgracefully while we were all lulled to sleep by their platitudes and Bon Homme act.
They tried to start World War III based on nothing more than fraud, Breach of Trust, lies, and unconscionable contracts to be enforced by minions employed by their very own incorporated franchises.
And that's the truth of the matter.
I won't give the "All's Well" and "You can go home now" part of the speech, because that's not the case. All is not well and no, you can't quite go home now. You have to organize yourselves as we have organized ourselves.
You have to delve deep into the legalities and traditions and nomenclature peculiar to each one of your countries, and do your individual declarations and recordings of property interests. You have to restore and discipline your own courts--- and those who have been operating your governments.
But the False Claims of the Roman Pontiff have been overturned, and the pirates have been caught red-handed. Your assets are safe and have in fact already been returned to you and lawfully converted back to Original Jurisdiction. You just have a lot of housecleaning and homework to do.
So don't think that "Anna von Reitz left us on our own." It's just that we had to unravel the Mess here before we could see how they'd involved the rest of the world in their mad endeavour--- using us as the Bad Boys and scapegoats the whole while--- and then also a matter of not knowing all of your laws and languages and nomenclatures.

My emphasis.

Caught in the Crosshairs : https://archive.is/gnm1k#selection-1007.0-1007.89
Alternate electors: The latest far-fetched Trump plan to overturn the election, explained by mainstream puppets

POTUS last call on SCOTUS then call out the National Guard
Trump lawyers taking Pennsylvania election lawsuit to SCOTUS : https://youtu.be/6t4SpeOKrds

Dear President Trump, (cut off the limbs that offends us - a difficult choice)
CrystalRiver https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160938

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"Take out the bankers, politicians, disloyal generals and admirals, the crooked judges and slime bags in the “Agencies” to your hearts delight and use the military to do it."

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Biden poised to pick Connecticut schools chief as education secretary
MSM : https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/biden-education-secretary/2020/12/21/a1681e36-43d0-11eb-a277-49a6d1f9dff1_story.html?itid=hp_alert

Trump Appoints Members to 1776 Commission on Patriotic Education
CrystalRiver https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160956

15-min video: Glenn Beck - "This document proposes TERRIFYING steps to eliminate religious rights"
hobie https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160947

SORCHA: "Pentagon Cuts Ties With Biden As American Diplomatic Evacuation From Russia Begins"
MrFusion https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160974

Voltaire Network: NATO Puzzle--(Image) That gets a WOW!!! rating. (wwiii)
RobertS https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160995

Trump: Cyber Attack by Russia is Fake News, Probably was China
GeorgeEaton https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160969

Mike Adams' Situation Update, Dec. 19th - China engineering WAR between USA and Russia (1hr 12min)
MrFusion https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160973

Trump Readies a $2 trillion Jolt for China as a Ruthless Delisting of Chinese Companies on NYSE Begins
RumorMail https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160990

FKTV: "Oops...I Caught the Chinese Government Again" (a lesson on China CCP propaganda)
hobie https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160945

"I smell something, on the attempted Chinese invasion, and the donations of Commonwealth countries to pay the banksters' debt to China." - clothcap

Yes, Bill Gates Said That. Here's the Proof

Gates and his minions insist the billionaire never said we'd need digital vaccine passports. But in a June 2020 TED Talk, Gates said exactly that. Someone edited out the statement, but CHD tracked down the original.

Jon Rappoport: "SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist; I can do this forever"
hobie https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160936

But make peace with China because they are being misled in this matter and they are victims of these same monsters.
>> Anna Von Reitz: "Question One -- The Pandemic"
>> hobie https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160943

‘We have to fight back’: Doctor lays out ‘sensible’ anti-COVID strategy
CrystalRiver https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160957

There are so many doctors speaking out now that the vaxx scam, stunt is doomed to fail. I hope not too many succumb and that it doesn't take too long for the message to sink in. Vaccines are not for your benefit.
The coronavirus is not patented. The patents made are all void due to functional forgery of the patents. They are not subject to restrictions of any kind related to patents. Kill the beast and twist the knife.
It's either natural and can't be patented or reconstructed to be harmful, a bioweapon that breaks national and international laws and treaties. That I can see with my limited intelligence.
Every photo I've seen shouts, "I'm an exosome" that is not contagious, (may be transmissible in close relationships and cause an immune response in those susceptible but it requires a huge number of exosomes, so not easily passed on).

Well, that's a relief!

new world order, peace, america, global banking system, freedom

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