May 17, 2005 22:59
[Filter: Private to Self]
I'm worrying about things going on. James wrote me and said times are getting tough, and that Dad's taking a lot of time off of work. I'm not sure he can afford to - but it's not my place to say. Well, it is, but.
I don't know. I don't want to think about it right now.
I'm really proud of Cathy for apologising to Zacharias, if she did it yet. He's not pleasant, really, but she still shouldn't have stolen his shark.
Andrew's still not acting right, but I don't think he wants to talk to me.
And I- well, I've been better, but I'm okay. I have to be strong, I think. Right now. Everyone seems - well, they aren't right.
[/End Filter]
Um, I can't sleep, so I figured that I'd write in here. How long has it been? It's two weeks now, right, for the limit?
Well, it doesn't matter. I'm writing one now. This way, Professor Sprout won't have to remind me. She's probably going around reminding a lot of people; she doesn't need to add me to her list, too.
Things have been alright. Nicky and I took Toots to Madame Pomfrey, because after he lost all of his weight - and he lost a lot of weight - he had all of this sagging skin that had stretched from when he was such a fat cat. I thought that only happened to people, but he was really very fat. I'm actually surprised that he lost his weight so quickly, but Cathy's treats were really good. Madame Pomfrey was a really huge help; Toots looks normal now. I mean, he looks a little funny, but he looks normal for a formerly gigantic cat.
What else? I don't know. I'll think of more stuff to say later.
- Megan
Oh, and Toots likes Jued. They're really cute together, and kind of look like each other, so I'm just going to pretend for myself that they're brothers.