I'm thinking about starting a new journal, or i think i just need a new layout. I tried doing my own thing and has turned out into a comple disaster. Will someone help me with my layout??? PLEASE OHH PLEASE!
I've been usind a beanie babie tag as a pick ecause out of the ten billion picks i have laying around my house, and cant find at least one. grrrr I finally got the el scorcho song down:) yay!
umm oh god i hate geometry, math is my worst subject but yet my favorite, how ironic huh? well i just got in it so i'm lost like whoa. man o man. If you are a wiz at this stuff and are willing to help me out. I would greatly appreciate it.
Yea so either i will start a band aor will look for a band in need of a singer.. I just dont knwo where to go to request this information. No one will hear me out through my live journal so i shall post elsewhere about me wanting to sing.
I'm going to music under the star tonight, there will be a bunch of jazz and swing music! I'm soo excited I looooove jazzzzz. Anyone going?! If you go say hello to me por favor. well here are some pictures from today yesterday and the day before. enjoi.
<3 JeBiKaH
My brother! My glasses are a-travelin'
aww it's Jenny! she's my sister -in-law to be:) *muah*
my mother refusing to wear my glasses but oh well.......
awwww this my my libber bibbers! (Liberty) i just want to eat her all up! RaWr!
me trading glasses with my bro... not quite johnny knoxville.
i slept in thta and i'm stilll wearing it.. my snoopy pjs:)