[Character Relationships]

May 30, 2010 20:07

♠ Complete and absolute hate/terror, will do anything to stay away.
♠ Dislike. Will try to avoid contact if possible.
♠ Indifference. Knows them, but hasn't gotten to know them yet.
♠ Acquaintance. Knows you a little, most likely would like to get to know you better.
♠ Friend. You're pals! Your house is the place where he will crash if he has to work!
♠ ~Special feeling~. To be fair, most cute girls he knows will get this one as well.



??? → {♠} To come eventually


KYON → {♠} A real good pal, even if Hiramaru still believes his nickname is 'Kahn-kun'. Kyon helped him pick up his 'names' when he was dumb enough to drop them, so Hiramaru has considered him a friend ever since even if he refused to steal a towel for him

RUSSIA → {♠} The one that introduced him to the concept of countries as people, something he still doesn't completely believe - he thinks they are codenames. Hiramaru thinks he's very nice, though, and he has almost sold him to the concept of communism.

KOTARO KATSURA → {♠} A somewhat odd man that speaks in a rather old-fashioned way. Hiramaru doesn't totally get him, but he can dig someone who respects his use of suspenders, and would defend Katsura's right to use the weirdest clothes he can think of. Completely unaware of his hatred of mangakas.


SHIMURA TAE → {♠♠} They went on a date once in a meme in Hiramaru's dream. Either way, Tae is his ~Yamato Nadeshiko~, his ~idealized~ woman, mostly because he has failed to see her violent side.

MARAICHI → {♠} The both of them got off with the wrong foot, what with Maraichi criticizing his clothing choices publically and Hiramaru vehemently defending them. But then he took Hiramaru shopping, so he thinks he can't be that bad.

YOSHINO CHIDORI → {♠ ♠} PERFECT GODDESS OF A WOMAN THAT MAKES HIS EXISTENCE BETTER AND HIS DAYS MUCH BRIGHTER. Although Hiramaru has a tendency to get swayed by girls' beauty easily, Chidori is actually nice and talks back to him, which only makes the obsession love stronger. One day he will make her his. Probably not.

JAPAN → {♠} Hiramaru met Japan when everyone was turning into pokemons. He isn't sure how he feels about the guy that says to be HIS country, but Japan seems to like his manga a lot, and he can't hate on a guy that does.

ZEXION → {♠} Although at first Hiramaru thought Zexion was kind of a jerk, he finally saw him as a nice guy when they bonded over pocket protectors and suspenders. They're friends now.

MAKA ALBARN → {♠} His roommate. More to come.

HOUSHAKOUJI RENGE → {♠} More to come.

Code for table by kajiba

!character relationships

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