My tweets

Feb 19, 2012 15:42

  • Sat, 10:09: ywdhlah put..positif thinking aja ga bs blh iphone bkn akhr dunia.Haha,lbh baek uangnx dgunakn u/ yg lbh b'mnfaat co/bli samsung galaxy =,="
  • Sat, 10:10: RT @ SayingsForGirls: Don't be mad when someone else starts to appreciate the person you took for granted. What you won't do, someone els ...
  • Sat, 10:11: #LGvsCSL ya nexian donk..haha
  • Sat, 10:16: yumm...bakpao nx enak bgt empuk,guede ky pantatnx junsu...haha
  • Sat, 10:20: kowawa artinya apa sih?ada jg konbawa
  • Sat, 10:52: @/93Leeminho tuh sypa?@ sooyeonjs tau gak chingu?
  • Sat, 11:13: RT @ SayingsForGirls: Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you're just an option when they're bored..
  • Sat, 11:14: Madonna wes almarhumah to?bnr ndak itu?
  • Sat, 14:45: yunho cried of happyness or lonelyness..??i hope the best for them..!
  • Sat, 14:56: udah ah mau nntn video special dulu ma #princeChangmin ~~
  • Sun, 03:40: RT @ SayingsForGirls: Why do people think they can apologize and everything is ok again? Stop violating the trust people give to you.


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