fucking stupid craps!!

Nov 03, 2004 20:10

GAH!! I fucking hate those Thai adults that always fuck with me.  I said hi and did what my culture said I have to do and can you please leave me the fuck alone?  Today, one of those stupid bigots.  He's the father of a girl at my HS and he is a man with EGO!!! gah!! he came up to me as asked how I was doing.  I said I was doing ok and then he started to ask why I always look sad or high.  WTF!!!?? because my normal eye size is half opened and when the biggest my eyes go will look like normal eyes opening.  My parents gave my eyes this big and you have problem with it?  FUCK YOU!!! and yeah! I wore my black hoodie and a pair of baggy jeans, today.  He asked why me always make myself look like someone is dead.  I know the answer that will get him the fuck away so I said it.  "People die everyday"  finally! i had him away from me...and I'm not 5 year old lil girl!! can you please treat me like my age not my shoe size?  Fucking Thai adults. 

I got home at 8.00 PM and no food...i used to it...

I got on-line and told my dear friend Ning about shit you just read and she was laughing at me...wow! what a true friend...


Ahahah!! uncle's bitch doesn't work anymore....and who said "you screw uncle's money everyday and you don't get a damn job."?

oh yeah? Oh yeah?


Pink Killer
Lyrics: Kyo Music: Dir en grey

Bust You # 1 a fatal neurocis of departure
Bust You # 2 a long term patient but masterbating.
Bust You # 3 cut the antennas, cut off the blood
Bust You # 4 the temperature is dying, cut open that odd brain of yours

Bust You # 5 dying, deprived of oxygen
Bust You # 6 even after the cross section you're still masturbating
Bust You # 7 a tendency for ovulating function failure
Bust You # 8 the third organ into the drainage canal

Bust You # 9 completely dismember you down to the trunk of your body.
Bust You # 10 masturbating eventhough you've soiled yourself in your incontinence.
Bust Me # 1 Classifying with Salfuric Acid.
Bust The recognized authority, brainwashed, in a coffin.

This duty is pushing me to the edge, An unfeeling body
This duty is pushing me to the edge, An incomplete body
This duty is pushing me to the edge, A rotting body
This duty is pushing me to the edge, A decomposing body

affection born from the body
feelings born from the body
get rid of the liver from the body
get rid of the fetus from the body

Dead and Dead Killing Child

cause they'll melt apart, cause they'll burst, let's go.

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