I've never seen a holiday like this before! All the lights and decorated trees... it's so pretty! I think I missed the actual day, but I tried to give you presents. That's what you're supposed to do, right? And I wrote you all letters! I'm not very good at it, but I tried in the spirit of the holiday.
[Gifts and Letters:
Addressed to England:
I'm really glad you came back. I know you'll return home one day, but at least now you'll have a piece of my heart to take with you and remember me by.
Addressed to "Prussia":
I miss you.
Addressed to Gokudera:
Thank you for always answering questions and helping me understand this world and for being my first friend in it.
Addressed to Ganta:
Thank you for helping me even when you didn't know my name. You're a very kind person and I'm glad to have met you.
Addressed to Germany:
No matter what, you'll always be in his heart. Please don't be sad.
Everyone who received a letter will also get a fountain pen and stationary so that they too can write their own letters. HOORAY AWESOME GIFTING.]