((A: ACTION, early morning, limited to the house))
[Loki hadn't noticed that the pain was gone. He hadn't noticed that he was free to move. He was still asleep, but not for long.
Long years of imprisonment and the constant burning of poison-fumes around his eyes, nose and mouth had left him with a firmly embedded habit: do not open your eyes
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Are you... lost?
[He's making no move to help her. Sorry, Terra. He's pretty selfish, not to mention lazy.]
Well, you're wondering around in your pajamas. So I wasn't sure quite what to think.
Everyone thinks it's strange to walk around like this. What I think is strange is wearing clothes to bed at all. Makes no sense -- it's harder to get warm that way. And yet, I woke up in these.
Which one's stranger, I wonder?
Oh, you must be new.. forgive me, I should have realized. Has anyone explained Mayfield to you yet?
[Why does no one here understand how counterproductive pajamas are? What a weird thing to be in his dream.]
Anyway, I've had the gist of this delusion explained to me by one person already, but it couldn't hurt to see if what you have to say matches up.
Sadly, it isn't a delusion. I thought the same thing, at first. We really are trapped here.
[He shrugs.]
I'm not complaining. I've had worse dreams, and I have to say I'm not looking forward to waking up.
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