First trick | various filters | voice

Aug 24, 2010 06:05


Moving from one party straight into the next, huh? It's like the whole town's a frat house in Melior.

That cloud sure was something. Makes you wonder why it always dumps its flowers every seven years. There's all kinds of explanations, you know. Some people think it's a purely scientific cycle, others think it's a gift from the gods.

I say who knows? It dumps its load of flowers every seven years, and that’s all there is to it. That’s good enough for me. Maybe they are lucky. Hell, I’m not complaining, I could use some of that luck. When you’ve seen as much of life as I have, you learn not to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’ll take what I can get. Anyway, it's Lunasa season now. Good holiday. Bonfires, decorations, gifts all around, what's not to like?


[Filtered to Serenity]

Looks like I'll be a passenger on this ship for a while. The name's Lyesmith, but call me Low Key, everyone does.


filter: serenity, party party party, tis the season for blowing shit up, endless dissembling, filter: public, being a dick

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