Because good things need counting.

Sep 07, 2012 03:09

1) The fiction-writing bug has ceased to be an itch and has turned into a somewhat lazy, yet affectionate cat. There are less plot bunnies lately, true. Thing the habit to put down my ideas quickly is a boon, specially in somewhat awkward situations, like bathing, or dressing for work, or even waking up.

2) This sideline guest-posting gig of mine still is still on. Playing by my business mentor's rules, it's sending out offer e-mails, waiting for a blog keeper to bite, and it's writewritewrite, BUT not until there's a YES, so sayeth the boss. It's playing The Waiting Game for me right now, and it's a good thing I'm sort-of juggling assignments. Seeing opportunities keeps the panic at bay. It's playing duck-paddle-crazy-under-thecalm-water for me. How do you do, pleasant weather we're having.

3) Domestic bliss. James has been so surprisingly cheerful, bright, and adventurous lately. Wow! I have absolutely no idea what got into him, but I'm very happy he's happy. He's starting to compile article pitches in his head, and is starting to explore things outside his usual sphere of anime and gaming and stuff. He's been covering for me whenever I come home exhausted from a day of work, and braves a full kitchen sink of crusty frying pans and smelly trash everyday. He gets his RDJ-Ironman on whenever he scoops out the litter box, and he's completely cool about it. Aaaaaand he's also getting his writing on much more now. This lady is super-happy and proud of her man.

Am I super-proud of me too? Well...

4) To a degree, perhaps I am. I don't know, but this is a very pleasant, restful, and easy-going type of "I don't know". Right now, Life, I think, is playing with me the way an amused adult plays with an inquisitive baby.

"Look, I'll put a Thing over here, somewhere that's a bit tricky to reach, but you can see it, can you? Good girl. Now, I'll put another Thing here, right behind this other big fluffy Thing where you can't see it, but you can feel it and smell it. You're feeling you're way around it, and trying to figure out what it is? Excellent! Now I'll put this other Thing inside this shape-slot box where you can see it, and you know how to get to it, but this time I've made the puzzle just a bit different. Come on, give it a go, it should be no big problem for you. Oh, you're getting confused? Oh, but that's all part of the fun! Keep at it."

I think right now, I feel the Universe's quirky sense of fun, and it's a kind of fun that's Oh-I-don't-know-where-this-is-going-but-it's-FUN!-and-let's-keep-going-and-see-what-can-be-seen.

At this point, the Me I knew a few months ago would be panicking and getting herself so worked up, she'd anxious herself into the emergency room. (living one of my mother's not-so-finest moments. Oy.) All this craziness is flying around me, and I'm blissfully calm and curious and giddy to see what's next, and I think this is progress.

This is a good thing, I believe.

UPDATE: THIS. This, just like this. Yep. 
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