Объявлен первый семинар по Тенсегрити Карлоса Кастанеды в Украине - событие которого мы ждали столько лет. Правда проводить его будут инструкторы нового поколения, а, значит, прямых учеников Кастанеды мы не увидим. И все же, первая ласточка запущена, и в скором времени появится и вторая и третья, и, надеемся, скоро и Чакмулы к нам пожалуют.
Announcing an Introductory Exploratory Tensegrity Workshop
Sponsored by Cleargreen
And Conducted by a New Generation of Tensegrity Instructors on:
Carlos Castaneda’s Tensegrity
Death - A Companion in Life
October 9 & 10, 2010
Kiev, Ukraine
“The issue of issues, which I will repeat to you over and over until it comes out of your ears:
We are beings on our way to dying. We are not immortal, but we behave as if we were. This is the flaw that brings us down as individuals and will bring us down as a species someday.”
“Seers, however, have an upper hand: as beings knowing that they are on their way to dying, they have someone whispering in their ear that everything is ephemeral. That whisperer is death, the infallible advisor, the only one who won’t ever tell you a lie.”
- Don Juan Matus
For the seers of ancient Mexico, having ‘death as a advisor’ does not represent the contradiction of death versus life - meaning one either lives meagerly now for a fuller tomorrow or frivolously now without considering the consequences of their acts.
Rather, seers regard death as part of life, part of the ever-constant flux and flow, the raw material from which new life springs, and holding this view allows the perceiver not only the opportunity to be aware that each moment may be his last, but also his first.
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In this workshop, practitioners will engage in the art of Tensegrity for the purpose of making death a companion in life. Magical passes will be practiced to interrupt our habitual state of cognition inviting in new perceptions and recapitulation exercises will be practiced to acknowledge: our current ideas about death and where they come from; our experiences of death and what gifts they have given us; some of the ‘mini’ deaths and simultaneous ‘mini’ births in our lives; and what dreams we desire to dream now before our own physical death and rebirth.
As this workshop is an introductory exploratory event, magical passes and recapitulation exercises will be presented exclusively, enabling then the participant to find their own meaning.
This workshop is open to new and seasoned practitioners; full participation is key.
This workshop will be conducted in Russian.
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Workshop begins on Saturday, October 9, at 10:00 am and ends on Sunday, October 10, at approximately 4:00 pm.
Ukraine and Eastern European Countries: $220 until September 9; $250 thereafter
All Others: $295
For those who have attended this seminar in St. Petersburg, June 2009, we invite you to attend again in the Ukraine for half price! This seminar, although it bears the same tile as the one given before, is a unique energetic event and offers the practitioner a deeper understanding of not only this work, but himself, and his place in the universe at large. Please contact the co-sponsors below if you wish to accept
To register with credit card through Cleargreen, click below:
Register To register without credit card and for further information, please contact:
Yelena: +38 067 280 37 55
Solomiya: +38 066 726 24 73
Dmitry: +38 067 466 96 88