Jan 27, 2010 09:44
I had this dream a few nights ago:
me and a little girl were following (the little girls friend) up a mountain.
Around every bend was something that would try to kill you.
Somehow the friend learned the secrets but we didnt know, and thought (the friend) would be killed.
This specific bend had birds that swooped down taking big juicy bites out of you.
I found a grandmother figure.
And she was pretty much tore in half.
I ran to the old lady and put her head in my lap.
I could feel around all of her ribs and when my arms were around her they were odly inside of her-
under the ribs, where you shouldnt be able to touch.
I just keept telling her i love you- i wanting to be with her when she died.
"He's comming" she smiled.
Suddenly foot prints appeared in the ground and walked toward us.
I looked at the grandma and she was smiling.
When they finally reached us she leaped up (remember cut in half almost)
walked a ways away and started laughing uncontrolably.
I just sat and watched the footsteps.
they turned from me and walked to the old woman.
when they reached her she stopped laughing. and wanted to be back in my arms again.
"Watch, its time" she said.
all along the trail of footseps leading up to us fruit began to appear.
when the trail of fruit reached us. it all started to rot.
As the fruit rotted I could feel the grandmother somehow rotting away.
when the last piece of fruit infront of us was dead.
So was she.
and then the footprints and fruit vanished.