this is rachel, posting for justin. go me :]

May 31, 2002 12:19

c break [12:12 PM]: it was just her dude and it started when u pushed me away and told me u didnt want me so i dont give a fuck if ur mad and us houdlnt be mad cuz u dont give a hsit about aol rmeember
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: rofl no fuck that ur worse i didint bullshit ur heart like u did mine
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: we fucked
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: wow
Sheer material [12:12 PM]: i'm not mad, but it's bullshit that you have to lie.
Sheer material [12:12 PM]: you lie about every god damn thing
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: u fuckin broke my shit
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: lol no i dont
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: u lied to me
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: u lied to me about how u felt
Chr0nic break [12:12 PM]: u bullshittted me
Sheer material [12:12 PM]: i brokje your shit? lmao, no
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: oh, okay
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: if you say so
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: so dont try to fuckin turn ur bullshit on me brittany
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: for real
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: cuz u fucked up
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: not me
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: U
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: & you were fucking how many girls the whole time?
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: now.
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: so i don't wanna hear it
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: bye
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: uhm 1
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: u and her
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: rofl, no
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: and her was only starting bc u fuckin treated me liek shit
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: whateverrr
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: lol ok who else was if ucking?
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: byeee
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: cuz i dontk now
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: lol no fuck u
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: dont Im me talking shit
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: thatsbullshit
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: ur fucking stupid
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: you're bullshit
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: no
Chr0nic break [12:13 PM]: ur bullshirt
Sheer material [12:13 PM]: that's all you are
Chr0nic break [12:14 PM]: ROFL im bullshit??
Chr0nic break [12:14 PM]: I THINK NOT
Chr0nic break [12:14 PM]: your bullshit
Sheer material [12:14 PM]: yes
Sheer material [12:14 PM]: absolutely nothing better than
Sheer material [12:14 PM]: :)
Chr0nic break [12:14 PM]: ur the biggest fucking bullshitter i know u fucked with my head and my heart so fuck you dont IM me
Sheer material [12:14 PM]: rofl
Chr0nic break [12:14 PM]: ur a fucking cold hearted bitch brittany
Sheer material [12:14 PM]: riight
Sheer material [12:14 PM]: & once again, you were fucking how many girls while we were talking?
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: u act liek u so fuckin hard core
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: you just dont have the fucking strength to admit
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: it
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: one
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: i told u
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: i said one
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: and it was her
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: yepp
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: and it was happpenin when u was fucing me ove for the 1st time
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: lol, riight
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: so w/e it was fucking
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: i know im right
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: why do u care?
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: u dont like me
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: u dont care about me
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: okay, keep thinkin that
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: remember?
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: :}
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: b/c you lie
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: im aol
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: lmao
Chr0nic break [12:15 PM]: u lie to though?
Sheer material [12:15 PM]: how many times to i have to say it?
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: lol but u lie to break [12:16 PM]: u lied to me
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: i dont give a fuck who you fuck & who you dont
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: so i duno what point ur tryin to make
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: then why did u IM me?
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: but you cant admit that you were fucking around
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: dude
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: b/c youre trying to look better
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: i just fucking told u
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: & you not
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: that i fucked her
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: youre*
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: i didnt deny it
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: so wth ru tlaking abotu
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO ASK?
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: rofl dude
Chr0nic break [12:16 PM]: what r u talkign about
Sheer material [12:16 PM]: B/C YOURE NOT BEING TOO SMARRT HERE
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: u just said that im not admitting i was fuckign someone
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: when i jsut fucking told u i did?
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: and u know what dont fuckin tell me shit about when we was talkin it was one girl
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: u was talkin to kyla
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: and some dude named eric
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: and fucking with my heart and running back to justin skyler 4 times a day
Sheer material [12:17 PM]: rofl, i love how you know oh so much about me
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: so just shut up ur lookin really stupid
Sheer material [12:17 PM]: you think you know everything
Sheer material [12:17 PM]: justin, you dont know shit
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: i know what im told
Sheer material [12:17 PM]: you just know what everyone hads told you
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: and i know what im showin from conversation
Chr0nic break [12:17 PM]: uh ave had with people
Sheer material [12:17 PM]: maybe you should find out the truth before you talk shit
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: so dont lie to me
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: maybe u should tel lme ?
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: maybe u should of talked to me like u needed to
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: but u didnt
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: britt
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: just shut up ok
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: this convo is over
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: well, maybe we were just friends when me & kyle got together & i like deric
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: ill see ya
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: so maybe you should stfu?
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: b/c you have NO idea what you're tlakin about
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: peaCe
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: acctually i do
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: bye
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: lol, okay
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: k
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: keep thinking that
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: bye
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: bye
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: :)
Sheer material [12:18 PM]: you'll get far, i promise
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: i know i will
Chr0nic break [12:18 PM]: alot father then u will
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: further*
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: bye =]
material [12:19 PM]: that's why you were a second yr junior? b/c you're not too smart
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: lol and?
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: i dont care?
Sheer material [12:19 PM]: i'm supposed to be a sophomore next year
Sheer material [12:19 PM]: i'm going to be a junior
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: but i will still go far
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: good for u?
Sheer material [12:19 PM]: i think i use my head a little more
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: what does school have to do with how u treated me?
Sheer material [12:19 PM]: rofl, you're not going far w/ that kidna record
Chr0nic break [12:19 PM]: lol why u talkin about school?
Sheer material [12:19 PM]: school determines how far you will go
Chr0nic break [12:20 PM]: whats that have to do with u and me?
Sheer material [12:20 PM]: you said you'll go far
Chr0nic break [12:20 PM]: u like just want to find somethign u can diss me with
Sheer material [12:20 PM]: & i'm explainign to you that you're not goign anywhere
Chr0nic break [12:20 PM]: no acttually u said i would
Chr0nic break [12:20 PM]: and i agreeded with you
Sheer material [12:20 PM]: oh, okay
Sheer material [12:20 PM]: let's get technical
Sheer material [12:20 PM]: rofl
Chr0nic break [12:20 PM]: alright
Chr0nic break [12:20 PM]: lets get smart alike for no reason just so u think ur cool cuz ur dissin me bc i repeated a grade im a senior now dude soooo ya?
Sheer material [12:22 PM]: yes i'm cool
Sheer material [12:22 PM]: :strut:
Sheer material [12:22 PM]: this, i know
Chr0nic break [12:22 PM]: lol ok?
Chr0nic break [12:22 PM]: -claps for u-
Sheer material [12:22 PM]: byeee
Chr0nic break [12:22 PM]: -gives u candy cuz ur so damn cool and so much better then me- lol
Chr0nic break [12:22 PM]: peace fool
Sheer material [12:22 PM]: fool? rofl
Sheer material [12:22 PM]: yes, you're black. you really are
Chr0nic break [12:22 PM]: ok? lol i dont care what u think of me
Chr0nic break [12:23 PM]: i act what i feel i like i want i hang out with who i want to
Chr0nic break [12:23 PM]: if u wanna sterotype me then be my guest

hm..convo of him and brittany. now this little girl...has some serious issues. let me tell you. I don't know if she's mental or what but i definitely think she's needy..she needs guys to kiss the ground she walks on and when they don't she runs over to other people. The ENTIRE time her and bubby (bubby being my pet name for justin nicholas) had a thing she was running back and forth between him and justin skyler. if she got in a fight with justin n she would run to justin skyler and start being all nice and then when he shut her down she would run back to justin nicholas and YES BRITTANY IN CASE YOU'RE READING THIS, I DO KNOW MORE THAN YOU THINK. I HEARD ALL THE STORIES FROM BOTH JUSTINS SO YOU CAN'T BS AND LIE ABOUT IT ANYMORE. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU'RE A TWO FACED BITCH. FUCKING TAKE SOME MIDOL AND GET YOUR GOD DAMN MOOD SWINGS UNDER CONTROL. i swear she has split personalities or something. i mean does anyone else agree? and it's pissing me off cause on the phone she's a fucking sweetheart to justin and she tells him she loves him and talks about being with him and whatnot and SHE FUCKS HIM and then the whole time she's stringing along other people too. not only was she stuck on justin skyler and TRYING to hide it from justin nicholas she was also hooking up with kyla and liking some kid named eric. and then justin and her talk online and she says shit like that to him? yall should have seen the conversation yesterday she freaking treated him like dirt, like he didn't even exist to her anymore and just told him he was aol and bs and liar. OK WHO'S THE GOD DAMN LIAR YOU FUCKING BITCH. YEA THAT'D BE YOU. seriously, justin loved her and he wasn't fucking with other girls besides one and that happened at the end when brittany pretty much disowned him. he never lied to her and he was freaking honest as shit with her, he treated her better than i think i've seen him treat a girl in a long time. and he got it thrown back in his face. btw, in case anybody doubts this..guess what, im the best friend. i probably know more about it than any of you do or ever will know. i don't mean to be rude if you're reading this but im tired of brittany fucking with my friends. especially my best friend. BRITT IF YOU'RE READING THIS, FROM NOW ON YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM. I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYMORE ABOUT YOU BEING A BITCH OR FUCKING WITH HIS HEAD OR HIS EMOTIONS. GO PLAY YOUR LITTLE CHILDISH GAMES WITH SOMEONE WHO'S GONNA PUT UP WITH IT.
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