Jan 12, 2007 01:51
So I'm officially done with SageWalk (17 rotations!). At least for now. Of course I still can't commit to it enough to say that I'm never going back, but regardless of whether or not I return it still feels really reassuring to know that I can return anytime I want.
I was only in the field for a week this last rotation. Originally I was put into the most amazing boys group ever and I think my heart grew about 7.6 times its original size due to them. Some favorite moments included (will make very little to no sense to anyone who wasn't there):
-Being named DJ Giggles
-Camp Off the Charts (yet within boundaries) giggle fit (totally inappropriate timing Luminous, totally inappropriate)
-Curses, foiled again!
-Kangaroo (name changed to maintain privacy) wearing Thursday's underwear on Saturday. Too bad there was no Funday underwear
-Getting "lost" and having to "pretend" to call in for GPS coordinates
-Slumber party that included girlie giggle fits, manicures, and shadow puppets
-Zippy the Arthritic Labrador
-EZ Pee and California Cutie
-All the hugs
-Seeing Teddy G. high on life after the hike
-Seeing all of the students make it up a humongous hill on their own
-Failing miserably at maintaining silence
-Kangaroo, me, and a piece of tinfoil - we'd be amused for days!
-All the guitar playing thanks to Ice and Emerald
-Kangaroo singeing his hair
-The enthusiasm with which the whole group embraced one another as well as my silliness, laughter, and joy
Low point of the rotation came when, due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to leave my boys and go be an HI in a girls group for the last two days. Two days is not long enough to get to know the students and it's really awkward to come into a staff team that has already worked together for almost two weeks. I felt like an impostor. Plus, my heart was with my boys but my head had to be with the girls. I felt like shit. But thankfully I was able to ditch my girls somewhat frequently to go spend quality giggle time with the boys.
I'm unemployed!
Oh dear.
So, on a totally different note, for years I've had this affliction where whenever I go to bed my heels itch like mad. Mad. It drives me insane. I could scratch them until the cows come home but as soon as I stop scratching the itch comes back. It's a deep itch - in fact I have fantasies of driving nails deep into my heel in an attempt to stop the itching. Well, good news! I am not alone. I, in fact, have damage to my sciatic nerve which is causing all this annoyance. Woohoo, I'm not insane! So now I can...do nothing about it because there really isn't anything to do about it. Damn. So, what I'm saying is, if someone is willing, I would pay a lot of money for them to come scratch my heels each night until I fell asleep. Any takers?