Feb 04, 2007 21:14
i find it amusing that i seem to make a post on this blog every time the superbowl comes around. i wonder if it's a sign. perhaps i need to marry a gorgeous football player and become a trophy wife. i don't think i need a football player to be a trophy wife, but i hear it comes in handy. (i think i'm holding up the sarcasm sign here, but to be truthful, i'm not sure). i think i would be a phenomenal trophy wife. buy me things. i will be lovely and pretty and never, ever disagree with you.
hahahaha. ok, i lied. i would make a horrible trophy wife. i would be the hot wife that men with trophy wives really want to marry, if only they could get rid of their trophy wives.
i think my conversation with my mother this weekend may have worn off on me.
i am completely and absolutely tired. i have also realized that in most every one of my posts, it seems to indicate that 1) i am lax in updating my blog and 2) i need to either clean the house or do laundry.
for consistency: it has been months since i updated my blog, and i need to clean my house and do laundry. i also need to go grocery shopping, but i am waiting on that for a while.
yahoo! news indicates that renters' rates are probably going to rise at approximately 5% this year, which i find annoying, yet expected. i wish there were more options in santa fe, and perhaps i should reconsider the albuquerque thing - but i don't miss a long commute to work, and the thought of moving again makes me a bit nauseous.
for now, i have to finish up some work and
hopefully fall asleep in the very near future. i find the problem is
that even if i reach a point of exhaustion, if i stay up past a certain
time i end up catching a second wind and staying up too late, either
way. blah!