May 09, 2007 01:50
Allow me to tell you a story about a low-life bitch whose name begins with the last alphabet, Z. No one really knows who im refering to unless you're a close friend. Miss D you know too coz i ask you to ask your aunt wether she still works at sas.(oh the diploma of child psychology that she has is done entirely by my husband.) Want you to know, see how ugly she really is. It has been painful for me coz i havent really let go of the past. Hurts too much but God's willing everything will be aok.
Z used to be my husband's ex gf. I thought she was ordinary until she did all the crazy ass shits. the rollercoaster ride started when she couldnt handle the fact that she was ditched. Its normal for a person to go into depression when the going gets tough. they'll do things like mixing diazepam with alcohol, start cutting oneself, bingeing etc but for someone like her who thinks the world of herself... you see everyone finds her gorgeous esp angmohs and mats becoz she is afterall a minah with big boobs. ( ok my husband went out with her coz they were high skool crushes, aint a mat haha) and what do minahs usually do : spread their legs for material stuffs, free coverage of mobile and homephone bills, internet, gym membership and even sponsorship for allowance. gooo minah!!! ok thats not exactly the point. she hated my husband's family. grandma especially. so miss gorgeous Z had BLACK MAGIK done.
Husband's family was constantly fighting. One day as grandma was leaving the toilet, the toilet light cover, the one made of glass(screwed tightly) fell but luckily it missed her by an inch. It got the maid's leg instead. but thank god nothing massive happen. They have a dog and funny thing is the dog kept barking at the window, looking up at the toilet light running frantically around the house. Family finally went to see a healer. The healer lady was amazing. she pointed out who the culprit is without knowing about my husband or his history. all the while his family thought it was the neighbour whos up to mischief. BUT the healer lady did warn them to not let the bitch know that they are aware of her nonsensical goings.if she knew, she would send poor old grandma to her grave. in other words, she was going to kill her because shes a HEARTLESS, SELF-CENTRED, LOW-LIFE, MANIPULATIVE BITCH.
my husband's family played along with the game. Z had called to inform that she was pregnant. typical of a minah to come up with a storyline. she demanded my husband to leave me for the sake of a non-existant baby. One night she came to my husband's doorstep in the wee hours of the morning. and the drama unfolds.... she begged him to come back to her. demanded 500 dollars for compensation. (thats how much shes worth) i didnt know ppl with high self-esteem knew how to begged. i thought that spoils their whole rep/image. the family had to entertained her till 5plus in the morning. Every single time, when she needed the attention i had to be invinsible because we dont want grandma to die an unnatural death. to cut the story short, my dad-in-law finally told Z to f@#% off from our lives. the drama has been going on for so long. the healer lady had managed a way to send the black magik back to her or her family for sending it. as in blocking it off returning it back to sender.
there alot of things that id like to say but couldnt coz we had to keep it hush. 1, her oldest bro is an inspector in the police, 2, her 2nd sister works for the cnb. so whatever anybody says can be charged in court coz we cant exactly proove black magik on paper. and finally her father does black magik. go figure! the healer lady also mentioned that shes been sleeping around behind my husband's back while they were together and if he had ditched me to marry her she would have taken control of his life. no surprises. theres nothing anybody can do against this family. we just have to be more careful in the future. i thought black magik does not exist esp for our generation. we are living in the 21st century are we not. my mom always say god is fair. 3 years back Z's parents were involved in an massive car accident. her mom 's vagina was badly damaged. lets just put it unable to function for certain activities anymore and i dont know what the hell happened to her dad. but if whateva my mom say is true, then i wouldnt want to imagine on whats going to happen in the future. if its not in this life probably judgement day. one word bitch. REPENT!