Title: The Camera Eye: Sinned Against and Sinning [2/2]
Chapter: Twentieth in The Camera Eye series. Links to previous installments can be found
here Split in two because of LJ’s post limits;
part 1 is here.
Author: Boots
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Porn industry AU, drama, smut, romance
Warnings: Male/male sex, polyamory, exhibition/voyeurism (since the
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Comments 7
I have to admit, Aoi sacrificing for Kazuki's career, and Yo-Ka agreeing to film so Yuuki could finally have his cat both got me a little misty-eyed. I think I officially ship Aoi/Kazuki, and it's entirely your fault! <3
Ha, Aoi and Kazuki are a very shippabble couple! I was sold on them as soon as I read the interview they did together as part of that "PSC artists interview each other" segment. I'm so glad I was able to convey the love between them in this fic! (Camera Eye!Aoi is getting a little better at showing his affection. A little. ~_^)
I think that's the realism I like about J Rock fics. Because they're real people they have conflicting personalities just liked everyone does.
Interested to see what Uruha has planned though
As to Uruha . . . he's just in the thinking-about-it stage right now, but we'll see what happens down the line . . .
Gackt has it with dogs, to a lesser extent. Animals just bring out a persons true nature in almost all cases (Hitler was an animal lover, so there are exceptions to the rule).
But you are right. This very much displays that they're more than glorified prostitutes. They're people, with hopes and dreams of their own.
I love Yuuki and how he is with his cats irl. Glad you put a little of that in here, hehe ^^ I really admire your characters, you are such a good writer and I hope to be like that one day.
And I love the smut scenes! xD Sorry I don't know what to say, and also Uruha is a badass.
Will probably read one more then take myself and my growing headache to bed. Had to keep fending off my puppy since he kept coming into my room and stealing my slippers
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