It seems I've found out where the text-based GazettE posting is going -
Fadeless GazettE Forum. I signed up for it last night. I haven't been able to explore it very deeply yet - i.e., I don't know if they allow fanfiction, particularly the kind that I write - but it does explain why so much Gaze discussion has disappeared from LJ. (Kinda disappointed, actually, since old-school forums aren't easily browsed from a smartphone like LJ or Tumblr, unless there's an app for that I don't know about yet).
And can I mention how very much I appreciate the fact that Alice Nine's Type A DVDs are now region-free since their label switch? No more having to watch them only on my region killer-equipped PC laptop, they can actually be watched on my Mac - and, gasp, an actual TELEVISION! I'm hoping this is the start of a trend (I know GazettE's World Tour DVD is region-free, but that's because it's about, y'know, a world tour). I know Alice Nine is also releasing their new album on iTunes in a bunch of countries - not including the U.S., unfortunately. (I preordered my actual copy from Japan, but it would be nice to have an officially released dowloadable version here - so I wouldn't have to rip the disc, manually put the album artwork on every song, etc. Yep, call me a lazy fangirl. ~_^)