Title: The Camera Eye: Trophy Boys 3 - Happily Ever After-After? 1/2
Chapter: Forty-fourth in The Camera Eye series. Links to previous installments can be found
here Split in two because of LJ’s post limits, there is a link to the second part at the bottom of the first.
Author: Boots
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Porn industry AU, drama, smut, romance
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Koi's in the wedding dress!!! The perfect look for the red carpet, even if it does mean he gets mistaken for a girl. (Stupid reporter!) Once again, Baru-chan handled the pressure of pushy press and surprise wins with a lot of grace for such a newbie.
I LOVE the instant chemistry among the Kiryu and Royz couples. Resolutions about avoiding after-after-party hanky-panky aside, I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of mischief these four will be getting into during the second half! (And Koi's comments...'Geisha Boy and his colour-coded co-stars'! (ᗒᗜᗕ) OMG!!)
Poor Ru lost again! He really has the Susan Lucci going. Koi plunking the princess tiara on the Heavy Hitter guy's head in retribution, though. *dies laughing* Utterly perfect!
And then Kouki re-appears in all his disco-ball glory. And Aoi...dear lord, I love that egomaniac. "I'll just stand here and look pretty while y'all die of anticipation." (Incidentally, I noticed that you threw Yoshiki's name into the mix of Best Actors along with Acchan. *death by feelz*)
Uruha's 'us vs. them' mindset really ups the tension, and it's SO gratifying that the romance film won Best Picture in the end. He's absolutely right to point out how much love makes things better, from the love confession resulting from the Best Twosome scene and MiA's acknowledgement of Koichi! (I love how thoughtful Koichi's new tiara for MiA was. He actually took time to consider what his lover would like best!) And Uru's reaction to Inside Byou winning over MiA Adore... his love for MiA is SO evident. It makes me feel all warm & fuzzy.
Okay...off to the after-party.
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