Title: The Camera Eye: Buddy-Buddy
Chapter: Thirty-ninth in The Camera Eye series. Links to previous installments can be found
here Author: Boots
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Porn industry AU, drama, smut, romance
Warnings: Male/male sex, polyamory, frottage
Pairing: MiA (Mejibray) x Subaru (Royz), friendship/bromance between Subaru and Kouki (D=OUT),
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Comments 5
It's great to see Subaru gaining confidence in himself as an actor and taking the initiative with his relationship with Tomoya. Seems like there's been a lot of "what if"s floating through his head that have held him back from making it official. Kouki is a great asset for him.
I also really liked how you worked the actual set and cameras into the sex scene this time. Sure, it's nice when all of that fades into the background for the actors, but as a reader I enjoyed being reminded that they're filming. Great installment!
Kouki is probably the one thing Subaru most needed in this world - someone to offer him advice from an objective perspective. Face it, the opinions of the other guys in his life - Yuuki, Yo-ka and MiA - would be colored by the fact that they all have pretty strong feelings for him. (Yuuki would be likely to tell him, "Go ahead, but if he hurts you, I'll kill him," which would make Subaru hesitant).
The cameras are something I tend to forget about sometimes when writing filming scenes! I made sure they were included this time to provide a distinction between "filming" and "not filming" sex. (Also details about how frottage is normally not permissible in porn, or at least cut out of the final scene, but Uruha let it slide because the boys looked so damn hot doing it).
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