Title: The Camera Eye: On Display [1/2]
Chapter: Thirty-fifth in The Camera Eye series. Links to previous installments can be found
here Split in two because of LJ’s post limits, there is a link to the second part at the bottom of the first.
Author: Boots
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Porn industry AU, drama, smut, romance
Warnings: Male/male sex,
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Comments 2
I can see why Uruha is upset about the change to the Java's, but it actually might work in their favour. PSC will almost certainly win the Drama, Comedy, and Romance categories, and I'm guessing they'll have a decent shot at the Star Vehicle category as well. That means 4 in 6 odds of winning the Best Video. (5 out of 6 in years to come if they include a Parody. Screw Wall-to-Wall; those sound boring.) Under the old system, they only had 1 shot at it, since I don't remember them ever getting more than one nomination for Best Video. Chin up, Director-san!
Subaru's reaction to this whole thing is pretty adorable. I'm so glad all of the fans were respectful, even if they got someone who wasn't their first choice. The last girl's reaction was absolutely perfect - exactly how it feels when you find a kindred spirit. ^_^ Now off to part 2...
I just had to put the last girl's reaction in there - it really is the way people feel when they find fellow fans of anything, especially if they've had nobody to share their interest with until now! They'll probably be hanging out discussing their favorite actors and videos now - and squeeing if they happen to recognize performers at Pornbucks!
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