Aug 16, 2009 16:00
- Surgically removing one wisdom tooth = one extra day away from work. It has almost been worth the pain. Plus the doctor gave me some pretty good pain killers so things have gone pretty smoothly so far. Work tomorrow though - do not want.
- I just joined Twitter. I have no idea what I'm going to use it for, but it seemed like the thing to do (everyone else is doing it!). If I can just get the stupid application to work I'm going to link it up to facebook updates.
- I have started watching Generation Kill. Finally. It is so unbelievably brilliant! Boyfriend and I are trying to ration it so I have only seen the first three episodes. I'm pretty sure we'll watch the rest next weekend. We're not very good at rationing.
- I need more books to read. I think a visit to amazon or play is in order. Oh paycheck, it seems like you only arrived yesterday, and already you have dwindled away to almost nothing.
- I want all my tv shows back! Why can't they just start up again already?