i am PISSED!

Feb 11, 2004 11:56


now i intended to write something else today about this article that i found in a local paper but this goes WAY beyond anything. i can't even think i'm so upset.

visit here please http://www.livejournal.com/users/pushyouaround/30554.html?thread=181594#t181594 and then ask me why the HELL did i add conservative shovinistic FUCKS ( Read more... )

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Re: xpuella8x February 12 2004, 18:26:29 UTC
in fact, there is a continuum of the sexes. many scientists have held on to the belief that sex is dichotomous, meaning only male and female. people who are intersexed (meaning a man who has the gonads, but genitalia of a woman, vice versa, and true hermaphrodites) are born 1 out of every 1000 births. this proves that men and women are not so different as it has been argued in the past. people don't like to talk about intersexed people because it makes them question their own gender identity and anything to do with sex in our culture is mostly a taboo topic. people, like your misguided friend, are blind to the facts in order to fulfill their own personal agenda. he pointed out that women who don't accept the fact that men and women are different are insecure and sad, but the truth is that he is the sad one for not opening up his eyes and recognizing that society and even science makes mistakes and consciously lies in order to fulfill their own agendas as well. as for his comment about doing research, i have done it, a lot in fact. i know of indigenous tribes where the women assume a typically masculine role and after they pop out a baby they are back to hunting and scavenging for food. and in this same culture the men sit at home and watch over the children, allowing their hair to grow long and spending numerous hours beautifying themselves for their wives. if anyone is interested in gender and its construction, michael kimmel just reprinted a new edition of his book. i think it's called gendered society. he spoke at unh last year and he teaches in california. it's really nice to hear about gender from a man because the field is so dominated by women. he gives numerous examples of societies in which the gender dichotomy is not apparent and where typical masculine/feminine roles have been reversed. i didn't intend to write for so long, but if anyone wants to talk about this any further im me sometime (puella8).


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