Color Me Confused

May 05, 2004 18:22

Not an unheard of state, granted... but as I'm driving around town I keep hearing the WB promo for the "Angel" episode tonight that is all about them jetting off to Italy to rescue Buffy.  (If you hear a strange noise at this point, it's my eyes rolling back into my head).  And all I can think is "Three episodes to the big dramatic finish and we're a comedy???"  Say huh?

I admit, there has been next to nothing that I've honestly liked about this season but, sadist that I am, I keep trying to hold out some random, useless hope that my loyalty will be rewarded.  Ignoring that glaring bit of naivete, can someone please explain to me why were getting camp thisclose to the series finale?  And freakin' pointless camp at that!  Not that I want an hour of Angel and Spike bitching and moaning and frothing at the fanged mouth in a jealous/broody/angst-ridden rage over who really loves Buffy.  (Raise that NOT to an exponent of twenty).  But three hours away from the series finale to what used to be my favorite show and the thing I get to be excited about is seeing Spike and Angel ride tandem on a Vespa?  Again I say, what the...?!?

Are the WB promo people on crack?  Or is this really gonna be the mood of this episode (whatever its pointless name is).  Wait, why am I even surprised?  I mean, of course we'd waste an episode on this crap rather than actually resolve any of the dozen or so dangling storylines that a) weren't about BtVS, b) might matter to a fan of Angel the Series instead and c) don't revolve around a character that wasn't even invented before S5.

Clearly, I'm a sadist for caring even a little bit at this point.
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