man yesterday really took the cake. i lost my wallet. i lost $100+. well the money doesn't concern me. the thing that really sucks is that i had just come back from the health department to get a replacement for my health card, so i had everything in my wallet; my birth certificate and SIN card. without those, i really have no identity right now. man oh man. i feel like crap. i need to call the police to report my SIN card and birth certificate lost before people harass my records or other.
>>five minutes later
man, i just called the police station, and had to tell what happen like 3425346 times cause i kept getting transfered. and finally one of the people told me that i have to go in to the police station to file the report. like damnit.
ok off to the police station. so i shall be back to edit.
ok so it wasn't too bad went filed a report, filled out a form and that was about it. and the police dude that helped us was pretty hot, er. not that it matters. hahaha. man at times i wish i didn't have such a pretty wallet. i wish it was nasty looking so people would want to touch it. let alone take it.
any how on a happier note; check that out. if you liked family guy, it's the new show they're makin for next year. pretty funny. you can download a episode on the site.