Sep 15, 2003 23:38
they're still bringing in their sails and boats into the harbour side, and darkening their skin with the sun's cold rays, the kites are still growing older and higher up into the bright blue skies. they're still lineups outside of icecream shops, and they're fresh flowers being sold on street corners, they're still putting ice in their coffees, and fresh cut fries in their bellies.
but they're leaves that are beginning to fall, and scented swirls that dance through the fork holes of the freshly baked apple pies, there are polka dot carved, silly-faced pumpkins creating faint glows with the night stars, and hot chocolate paper cups wrapped inbetween these cold fingers underneath those worn out mittens long ago, there are knitted scarves and faded gray jeans, and the damp feeling in the new autumn burning sky, and its all, all of it, its dedicated to you.