New Year’s Resolutions: Fashionably Late (99?-in-oh-nine)

Jan 19, 2009 23:02

In honor of Meghan’s New Year’s Resolution blog, I decided to make my own list of resolutions for the year.

Already this year has given me a lot of clarity, certainly a lot of gifts, for which I am incredibly grateful. I have so many new things to look forward to in 2009 and I want to make sure that I don’t waste a single day - although I do resolve to waste at least one day completely on doing nothing at all :) Here it goes… 2009… ready, steady, go.
  1. Listen to a random album chosen from every day of the indie-exchange archives in 2009.
  2. Bake a cake/cupcakes from scratch.
  3. Graduate from Arizona State University.
  4. Apply for graduate school.
  5. Move downtown.
  6. Get a dog! 
  7. Sign up for yoga at Yoga Pura (or somewhere else that I can go as frequently as I like).
  8. Cook dinner for a friend.
  9. Visit Shelby, Meghan, and Alysha in their respective states (Oregon, Washington, Utah).
  10. Take on more than I think I can handle, and handle it with grace.
  11. Attend GLSEN Phoenix meetings every month.
  12. Stop using my credit cards once I am working full-time.
  13. Pay off at least three credit cards this year.
  14. Share favorite books and music with a friend once a month. 
  15. See more local shows.
  16. Celebrate my birthday with close friends and overly expensive cocktails. 
  17. Start my t-shirt quilt.
  18. Keep in touch with postcards and letters instead of e-mails and instant messages.
  19. Try sushi with a sushi lover.
  20. Beat the odds and flatten my tummy.
  21. Go on a short road trip with a good friend around Arizona and document the trip in photos. 
  22. Read at least 25 books from my personal library that I haven’t read yet. 
  23. Try a new Phoenix restaurant once a month with a friend.
  24. Take pictures more frequently (even with my crappy point and shoot camera).
  25. Write/maintain my resume.
  26. Work with Ben and make a new blog layout.
  27. Put together a photography portfolio.
  28. Take a painting class.
  29. Make something new at least once every week (writing, photography, mix cd).
  30. Clean and KEEP clean my car.
  31. Make more conscious food decisions without going overboard.
  32. Organize CD collection by release date.
  33. Get a part-time job at Anthropologie.
  34. Buy and wear more dresses!
  35. Wear fancy clothes on un-fancy occassions.
  36. Buy a new stereo.
  37. Listen to more Nirvana.
  38. Take piano lessons.
  39. Go through old magazines, make notes of websites, bands and books that I want to remember and give the magazines to someone that would like them.
  40. Go to MaFuCo!
  41. Catch up on old podcasts. 
  42. Take vitamins regularly (Vitamin C, Vitamin B, SAM-e).
  43. Allow for “time-out”s whenever necessary - focus on what I need - do not let anyone else have control over me.
  44. Shoot more weddings with Alysha.
  45. Write personal essays before too many details are lost to poor memory.
  46. Go to a farmer’s market and make a meal from my purchases.
  47. Continue working through 1001 Albums to Hear Before You Die and eventually start Tom Moon’s list.
  48. Ring in 2010 at Bikini Lounge with Morgan!

Originally published at Horrible Nerdy Reflex. Please leave any comments there.
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