May 26, 2005 10:17
i forgot to mention quote of the week from Per-Magnar, he was talking about a meeting he'd been to where he didn't agree with what other people were saying and concluded with "so if i look angry in the face, i am thinking of the meeting"
my weekend was sad in the face, but this week has restored me to my too tired to care state. i have received various injuries from cows and electrical fence (i realised this sounds like i got a shock, but i didn't, the tape you make the fence with just has pieces of wire in that sometimes lodge themselves in your hands when you take it down or put it up). i have been left home alone a lot so i've been on here loads which is cool, i'm so glad they have broadband. i had reindeer meatballs last night, they were ok, not that nice really but edible. i can't think of anything else to report, hope everyone else is good.