at first i was like =D
...but then i was like D=
please don't leave sir! don't let them take you away!
you either! (just make sure you wear a full face shield next year)
that is...most impressive
i hope to christ he won't keep the handlebar mustache
oh good! he didn't =)
leights and big ville style *hearts in eyes*
and these two guys. whoever they are...
carcillo looks very good here actually. i do not understand this concept. dammit powerwheels open your eyes. PRINCETON GRADS KNOW HOW TO POSE IN PICTURES
derian hatcher could be coburn's father. trufax =/
riley cote, i...yea. i got nothin'. asham looks severely bloated. and kimmo is doing everything right. like always.
OH HAI THAR OSHIE! whut r u doing here?
jeffrey thanks you for your time
my stomach is bothering me for whatever reason. oh body...when will you ever be semi-normal functioning?
hi everyone! how are you doing on this fine day? any nice plans for this weekend?