Sooooooooo proud...

Apr 05, 2005 21:25

This made me soooooooooo fucking proud, I love you Annie, thank you so much. That was so awesome.

Don't fuck with me...

Ok, I'm not going to waste my time defending myself from all of your accusations, cuz really... You aren't worth the time. I thought you were, but apparently you're just like every other asshole guy I've met.
Did you ever think that people stay away from you because of your mood swings? It could also be the reason people leave you...
I've only talked to you for a couple weeks, and already I'm getting tired of them.
Fine, you're sick of chasing me. Maybe I didn't want you to in the first place. So, great, no one loves you now. You're probably going to go curl up and feel bad for yourself, because it's not replying to this "bullshit livejournal" that makes you pathetic and desperate, it seems... you already were.
Make any assumption you want about me, add Carl back onto your phone, find another "Happy friend".
I'm sick of dealing with people like you. You're hypersensitive, defensive, jealous, controlling, and insecure... to name a few things. I'm not going to waste my time and emotion on any more negative people. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a life, quit trying to ruin other peoples'.
I'm sorry to be so mean. But I've been through this before. I'm not taking any shit like this from anyone.

Annie, thank you again.
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