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Jan 12, 2011 22:33

FANDOM: Eureka
CHRONOLOGY: Once in a lifetime
SUPERHERO NAME: the Assembler
ALTER EGO: Dr. Nathan Stark, scientist

Nathan is from a fairly normal world, similar to our own, except that back in the 1940's a small secret town was founded for the smartest minds in the nation and some from other countries to gather to work on the advancement of science for the betterment of man kind.

Eureka is an eccentric town with competitions where children build rockets that compete in races around the moon and back to Earth and citizens also compete in building robot dogs, trying to make them as authentic looking and acting as possible. It's a city of geniuses, and even there, Nathan is well-regarded for his intellect, among the 'best of the best', a leader.

Nathan didn't grow up in Eureka, and his background is never mentioned, but he graduated with at least one PhD from MIT at a young age, and had his first Nobel Prize in his early twenties. He received a job in Eureka, and brought along his mentor and close friend, Henry Deacon. Nathan handled all sorts of contracts for the government during that time, and had his own section. One of those projects was to create humanoid robots for the Department of Defense, of the many prototypes created, only one achieved true sentience.

In order to test out his creation's ability to integrate with other people, Nathan gave him a name and a background and 'brought' him to Eureka to be his assistant. Callister Raynes got along perfectly, even developing a romantic relationship with Deputy Jo Lupo. Nathan grew attached, and began to think of Raynes as his son, and realized that in order to keep his son he needed to destroy his own project. Nathan set fire to his own lab, and claimed it was an accident, but an investigation brought suspicion on Raynes, and Nathan set everything that Raynes would need to escape and sent his mechanical son away reluctantly. He reported that all prototypes were destroyed in the fire and had the records of the investigation sealed for national security reasons.

Nathan proposed to and married Dr. Allison Blake, but their marriage was short and ended when Nathan saw a chance to advance his career by accepting a position in D.C. Allison wouldn't go with him, so Nathan went without her. He was able to advance enough in D.C. and win himself enough friends that when he did return to Eureka, it was as the director of Global Dynamics, effectively making him Allison's boss.

He returned just in time to meet the new town sheriff, Jack Carter, whom he immediately did not approve of. Jack Carter didn't meet Nathan's standards for intelligence, and Nathan quickly noticed that Carter seemed to have romantic intentions towards Allison.

Following Nathan's return, there were a series of incidents. On a regular basis, something would go wrong, and it would fall to some combination of his efforts along with those of Allison, Henry, and the two law enforcement officers to put a stop to it, sometimes literally saving the world. During this time, Nathan became increasingly obsessed with a mysterious object known as the Artifact. It was terrestrial in origin, but predated any known civilization and the dinosaurs. It was thought to be the remnant of a civilization that existed before the big bang.

Callister returned, as he had begun to malfunction, and Nathan did his best so save his robotic son. Callister was causing accidents all over town due to his unstable and corrupted processor, and he ran off before Nathan could really help him, taking Zoe Carter with him. They were going to get on a bus, but when Callister's condition deteriorated, Zoe waited. Nathan and Jack arrived, but there was nothing to be done for Callister. Nathan said he should have never sent him away, and was genuinely sad and upset at the loss of his son. It was one of the few moments he and Jack were ever not at odds, since Jack understood what it was like to be a father and to face losing your child.

After a risky attempt to take a sample from the Artifact which nearly cost lives, Nathan came under investigation and was removed for cutting corners and unsafe procedures. His mentor, Henry, took over his position.

Nathan, unable to find a job that suited his tastes and self image, started his own company, Stark Industries. It quickly became one of the leading defense contractors, and was even capable of competing with Global Dynamics, which had shifted its focus under Henry's leadership. He and Allison were divorced by this time, and Allison married Jack Carter.

Several years passed before Nathan set foot in Eureka again, called back to help because the timeline seemed to be deteriorating. Nathan was able to determine what had happened almost immediately, and explained that reality would become unstable unless the timeline was set back to what it should have been. He set about working on a solution, a way to send someone's consciousness back in time so they could prevent the event that had caused the timeline to diverge. Nathan had everything but the key component, the sample piece of the Artifact he had taken so many years ago.

Henry handed over the piece, and said that he would need to be stopped. With that piece Nathan was able to complete his device, and send Jack's memories of the future back to his past self.


Nathan is a very confident, very intelligent man, and a bit of an asshole. He's still a little bitter over being removed from his position at Global Dynamics, especially because he now knows Henry had him removed for the sake of preserving an altered timeline. He's a huge asshole sometimes, but he's not too mean about it, and he's particularly hard on people who have to deal with him professionally. He gives Fargo his first 'office', which is really an old room that contains the forgotten control system to a doomsday device, and smiles the whole time he leads Fargo there, talking about how the first office is a rite of passage.

He takes amusement from messing with people in such a manner, and up until he lost his job, even enjoyed his verbal sparring with Jack Carter, always smiling as he handed out insults and belittled the sheriff. Being a jerk seems to be one of Nathan's favorite hobbies.

Losing the thing that he thought was most important to him, his job at Global Dynamics, did make Nathan re-evaluate priorities, but not by much. His science and the prestige that comes with a lofty position are still important to him, but he does occasionally regret that he missed his chance with Allison. Given a chance to do things over, he would have done things differently, as time has made him see the foolishness of his obsession with the Artifact.

However he's still very obsessive when he finds a problem to solve, but he won't reach that level of carelessness and disregard for everyone else again. Nathan can't resist the urge to study something new, interesting, and unknown.

Nathan's other favorite hobby, aside from being a jerk, is doing science. He's lost sight of his love for science and discovery in his quest for power, and running a company doesn't leave him with as much time for it as he'd like, but he still spends some nights asleep in his lab and forgoes human contact to pursue a breakthrough. He would very much like to add another Nobel Prize to his collection, but his company isn't able to pursue the kind of science he could have done had he stayed in Eureka, but he still makes it a point to find time to 'push the boundaries of science' whenever he can. The only thing almost as inspiring as working at Global Dynamics is competing with Global Dynamics.

He's not very good at dealing with other people, especially people he cares about, and the people he cares about the most are the people he tends to make the most mistakes about. He always regretted sending Callister away, and later regretted wasting his chance with Allison.

Nathan has no canon abilities, instead I would like to give him the following.

Machine Manipulation; assembly and repair. Nathan will be able to assemble and repair nearby machines with his powers, as long as he's within arms reach of them. He has a vague sense of what kind of condition a machine is in, and as long as the machine isn't completely alien or based on technology he's never encountered before, some idea of how it works and what it's doing currently. It's basically a combination of machine-specific telekinesis; moving the parts of a machine around, with a touch of heat generation for areas that need to be welded and soldered, and mechanepathy, sensing the condition of a machine. He can't repair a machine if it is missing parts, only if all the parts are there but damaged, though he can use replacement parts in repairs and 'jury-rig' if non-vital parts are missing and just need to be by-passed so long as he understands the device well enough to know how.

He can only assemble a machine if he understands how it works and how it needs to be put together, but repairing one is much simpler and requires less understanding. How tiring a machine is to assemble is based on its size. Very large machines will be very tiring for him to assemble using his powers, and take longer, while smaller machines, despite complexity, will take less energy and less time.

Machine Disassembly; much like his assembling power, Nathan can take machines apart with his mind. However, this comes with the stipulation that he has to be able to actually touch some part of it unless it's a machine that he originally assembled with his power, then he merely needs to be able to see it. Very massive machines would have to be disassembled one large section at a time, with Nathan moving to different areas of it. Taking a machine apart doesn't require the same intimate understanding, as taking something apart is always much easier than putting it back together. If something is welded together, Nathan's powers would be less effective. Only things that can come apart without being destroyed can be disassembled, but he can still partially disassemble something. Welding, soldering, and powerful adhesives prevent him from taking the welded, soldered, and glued parts from one another.

However he can undo screws and connections all day.

Machine Storage: Nathan can store things he builds or has worked on extensively, by touching them. They seemingly vanish and are stored as information in his brain until further use. Technically, this way, someone altering his mind/memories could get rid of these things or 'steal' them but without Nathan's power be unable to put them back into a physical state.

He can only store about six or seven really complicated man-to-car sized objects at a time, but more smaller, simpler objects. If he tries to store more than that he'll begin overwriting his own memories.
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