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Feb 21, 2005 10:12

what is upp livejournal???
its been way to long.i think its cause im just too cool and busy to update... im not sure why im bothering to udpdate because my life is too exciting for you to hear about. well this semester is wicked fun so far, seeing that i have s.s, graphic design, science, and english. all of them are so much fun especialy english casue its so easy. i had to stay after to make up two tests because i wrote in one of the margins. how cool does mr carlos feel now? and with his cool italian/boston/wanna be gangster accent. hes probly my gfavorite teacher ive had in a while. well at least hes close to mrs. rock.
jens bedroom is coming out so nice i wish mine was that clean/big. its not fair that she gets such a comfotable bed too. o ya lunch is probly the worst part of my school day because i have to sit with these scrubs that think their cool enough to get star-clusters and pecan swirls. umm well i guess ive updated you enought about my current life, its a blast as you can definetly tell. my favorite part is that im getting a job, making my life even funner probabley oh ya i hope you all enjoy my new icon that taylor made for me. give her credit for the "cutie"
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