Slipping (Billy/Dom, bdsm)

Feb 16, 2009 23:40

Title: Slipping
Authors: unstealthy and msilverstar
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Rating: NC-17
Notes: bondage, nipple clips, butt plugs, flogging
Disclaimer: It's not true, it's fiction, we made it up.
Summary: Sex in the morning, pushing both their limits. Billy's voice is stern, in contrast to the gentle way he strokes Dom's balls, and the combination seems to trickle into every one of Dom's nerves via his brain and his cock. He grips the leather strap holding his wrists to the bedstead and tries to control his breathing.
Context: In the push_pull_push universe. For all fics in chronological order, please see the Master List.

LA - March 16, 2004

Dom couldn't be more delighted that Billy's been hanging out in LA since the Oscars. It's possibly been the best few weeks of his life, what with the plum role he's just landed, the Oscars, and lots of Billy, with him, all the time. In his house, in his kitchen, in his bed. Dom wakes up every morning feeling like he owns the world.

Head aching, fingertips throbbing, Billy doesn't know where he's waking up and doesn't really care. All he wants is a piss and a paracetamol. Bloody pick-up band, bloody fake Guinness, bloody St. Patrick's Day in America. "You fucking woke me," he tells Dom as he manages to stagger to the toilet and fumble through the shelves for the appropriate bottle before collapsing back into bed.

The grunting and swearing Dom hears from the bathroom don't bode well. His fears are confirmed when Billy stumbles into the bedroom and falls into bed beside him, pulling the covers over his head and groaning. Billy's back is to him, and Dom rubs it with gently soothing circular motions designed to lull the recipient to sleep. Dom's horny, but he can wait for Billy to perk up before attempting seduction. Now is not the time. "Can I get you a drink of water?" Dom murmurs.

"Yeah," Billy answers, quietly so as to not shred his brains any more. Better to have water than taking the pills dry. Better to have Dom's touch than anything in the world. "Thanks," he manages before he gulps the water and then retreats to his pillow.

Dom strokes Billy's back again, until he hears soft snoring. He leans over and presses a kiss into Billy's hair, then curls up around Billy and allows himself to doze in a haze of contentment.


When Billy finally wakes up, sun has moved, and the bed is striped by shadows of the blinds on the windows. He's warm under the duvet, sweating a little where Dom's leg presses against his, hot in a languid sexy way. Pushing down the covers, he slowly turns towards Dom, who looks completely innocent asleep, his face lax and sweet. Billy intends to change that, now that his headache is nearly gone. Besides, he needs to get Dom back for waking him up, before.

Turning, Billy rummages around in the bedside table drawer, pulling out six scarves, a length of thin chain, nipple clips, three mismatched leather handcuffs, some papaya-flavoured lube, a biggish buttplug, and the wickedest flogger Billy's ever seen. He may not need all the stuff, but he likes being prepared, likes the possibilities in the toys he's heaped on the corner of Dom's big bed. There's still water in reach, so he drinks a bit whilst thinking what to do with Dom first. He wants to see Dom's eyes, so no blindfold... He leans down to tease Dom's nipples with his mouth and hand and sets the clips loosely, just enough for Dom to notice as he wakes up.

Vague sensations slowly drag Dom out of sleep. As he surfaces, he becomes more aware of a slight tugging pain, and eventually narrows it down to his nipples. Nipple clips. "Devious bastard," he murmurs with a slow grin as he opens his eyes. God, he loves Billy.

With an innocent smile, Billy hooks the chain to the clips, and cinches them down a bit. "Look who had them by the bed," he says, which earns an answer in Dom's laugh.

"I notice you didn't ask if you could use them," Dom says with a gasping laugh.

Billy tweaks the chain just a bit and eats up Dom's reaction: from the twitch of his chest to the sexy noise Dom can't stop, to the way his eyes go dark and yearning. It's been slap-and-tickle this week, and Billy's ready for something more. He wants Dom helpless, begging, promising anything, apologizing for everything. He lets Dom see how he feels, licks his lips and pulls the chain again, harder.

"Shit!" Dom hisses. Every tug sends a bolt of painpleasure from his nipples to his cock, which is rock hard as a result. "You're a devious cunt," he mutters. Dom knows, somehow, that he's not going to get away with anything this morning.

"Devious Man," Billy can't suppress a giggle, "you've uncovered my secret identity. I'll have to torture you into becoming my minion."

"Oh no, no, please don't hurt me, Devious Man! I'll do whatever you say!" Dom says, Kidnapped Maiden-style.

Laughing evilly (he hopes), Billy takes advantage of Dom's pretended fear to snatch the wrist-cuffs and wrap them round Dom's wrists, hooking them together and pushing them above Dom's head. "You'll do what I say, he tells Dom, "and beg me to hurt you." Just saying that -- and knowing it's true -- is incredibly sexy.

Despite Billy's joking tone, his pupils are dilated and Dom can feel the rather more obvious evidence of Billy's arousal pressing against his thigh. Dom licks his lips as his mouth seems to have gone dry all of a sudden. "You can try," he says, his voice husky.

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'," Billy quotes. He leans down to pin Dom's shoulder to the bed and catch Dom's mouth with his own.

Dom's completely unable to prevent himself from responding to Billy's kiss. He moans softly as Billy's tongue slides along his own, hips pressing his cock into hot skin, cuffs digging into his wrists. It's too fucking good.

Billy'd thought, before, that he'd be tired of one person by now, bored with shagging Dom after all this time, but it's not like that at all. Dom's mouth is fantastic, Dom's fantastic, and Billy considers skipping the kinky bits and going straight to shagging. If they hadn't just had a week together... Then Dom makes a noise when Billy shifts against the chain, and it's completely devastating.

Now Billy's pressed against Dom's chest, and more to the point against the chain. Every time either of them moves, the chain tugs on Dom's nipples, making him gasp and his cock jump. "Fuck, Bill, my balls are aching," Dom groans.

"Shame you don't have any more of those clips," Billy says, "or I'd put them on your balls." He sucks hard at the base of Dom's throat, licks up Dom's jaw and kisses him some more, while Dom quivers and writhes under him. What a way to start the day.

Dom groans into Billy's mouth, working his bound hands between them until they're right under Billy's chest. Knowing there'll be consequences, Dom closes his eyes and focuses on Billy's mouth, making sure Billy is absorbed in the kiss, before tweaking Billy's nipple. Hard.

"Ohfuck, you bastard," Billy gasps, but it feels good, a bolt like electricity through his body. "Going to have to punish you for that," he says, pinning Dom's hands to the side and shoving Dom's face over as well.

"Nnnmph," is all Dom can say, but there's a certain amount of glee that he got a response from Billy that indicated pleasure.

"Apologise for that," Billy says, squeezing a little on Dom's wrists and punctuating his order with a little hip thrust against Dom's cock. Billy lies across Dom's body to whisper into his ear, "Want you to give over to me, obey me, beg me to hurt you." It's a fucking rush just saying those things. "Even if you don't want to say it right now," he tells Dom, "I'm going to keep at you until you do, until you need to, no escape except safewording, the which you'd better bloody do if it gets too much."

"Fuck off," Dom mutters. If that's what Billy wants, Dom's gong to make it as difficult as possible.

The challenge of it all makes Billy grin. "I'll fuck you," he announces, and pulls Dom's hands above his head, "after you beg nicely."

"I know you want it," Dom says, raising an eyebrow, "So why should I beg? You want nothing more than to stick your cock up my arse."

Dom's cuffs, mismatched as they are, still hook nicely into the leather strap left tucked through the top of the headboard. Billy rolls away far enough to admire Dom's body, stretched taut, with lovely muscles and skin just begging for some marks. "There's always your mouth," Billy observes, "or just wanking right over you, into your face, and leaving you like that."

Dom allows himself a slow smile. "So I get to watch you wank? That's not exactly punishment, is it?"

Billy shakes his head, and moves back towards the edge of the bed, "Dom, Dom, Dom. Here I am proposing to do sexy kinky things to you, and all you do is give me shite." With a mock-helpless shrug, he slides of the bed and turns to leave the room.

It's not clear whether Billy's serious or not. Dom's pretty confident that even if he does actually leave, he won't be gone long... but then again, Billy can be pretty damned intractable when he wants to be. It's a risk, and Dom decides to take it for now. "It's what you want, isn't it? You don't want me to give in, that's no fun."

Now it's a bit of a test of wills, and Billy's not going to lose: after all, he's not the one cuffed to the bed. He wanders off to the bathroom for a piss, and to wash the taste of last night's fake Guinness out of his mouth. Wouldn't do to say no when everyone just wanted to buy him a pint for a little music, and it least it wasn't green beer, but he's glad enough to be shot of it.

Once the noises from the bathroom stop, Dom waits in the silence. Eventually it seems that Billy's got more patience than usual today, and so Dom decides there are two courses of action. One is to yell and beg; but it's the other one he chooses. Closing his eyes, he takes some deep, relaxing breaths and dozes.


Silently, Billy slides through the doorway, looking at Dom, who is naked, beautiful, and nearly irresistible. When Dom opens his eyes, Billy will take it as a proper surrender. He hopes it will be soon, because he's not sure how long he can hold out.

Something, a mote of dust maybe, lands on Dom's upper lip and makes him take a snorting breath, jerking him out of his doze. He sees Billy standing in the doorway looking at him. "Knew you'd come back," he says with a slow smile.

"Knew you'd look," Billy answers, smiling back at Dom, as always, "call it even?" Billy's moving toward the bed, cock bobbing, mouth hungry for the taste of Dom's skin.

"If you insist," Dom murmurs, but in his heart he knows he won.

Billy knows the answer to that. He takes his time, going to the other side of the bed, pulling out a cockring from the drawer there, and tossing it onto Dom's stomach. "And now, back to the games," he murmurs, sitting on the bed next to Dom.

"Didn't realised we'd stopped," Dom says, raising an eyebrow again, but looking at the cockring. He wonders how long he's going to last.

"I'd gag you," Billy murmurs, "if I didn't know there's no one to hear you but me." His fingers drag along Dom's chest, stopping at Dom's nipple, pulling at the clip there, tweaking and twisting until Dom positively whimpers.

"You're a bloody tease," Dom says through gritted teeth. "If you're going to punish me, just do it, will you?" The anticipation is always worse than whatever Billy's brain comes up with to make Dom pay for whatever he's done.

"Not a tease," Billy scratches down Dom's chest, pinches the edge of Dom's belly button, watches the shivers go through Dom's torso, the chain between his nipples moving just a little. "I never tease, not in the long run."

"Whatever." Dom hisses as Billy gives him a particularly hard nip, making his cock jump. "What are you doing now then, if you're not fucking teasing?"

"It's called foreplay, ya git, and you'll come when I'm ready, which won't be until you're begging. A lot."

"Foreplay?" Dom asks with a laugh that's more of a gasp. "If you hadn't noticed..." he looks pointedly at his cock, "I'm more than ready for whatever it is you're going to do to me."

Billy just rolls his eyes and snaps the cockring around Dom's cock and between his balls, stroking the soft skin there fondly. "What I'm going to do to you..." it's hard to put into words, "I'm going to make you feel so much, I'm going to make you lose control, I'm going to push you down and hurt you and fuck you into next week, and you're going to love it."

Billy's voice is stern, in contrast to the gentle way he strokes Dom's balls, and the combination seems to trickle into every one of Dom's nerves via his brain and his cock. He grips the leather strap holding his wrists to the bedstead and tries to control his breathing.

The tension in Dom's body is gorgeous, and Billy can't resist. He leans forward and slides on top of Dom, holding himself just barely clear of Don's chest, his cock against Dom's caged one. Before Dom can make a smart remark, Billy's mouth is on Dom's, binding them together.

All Dom can do is whimper into the kiss and rub himself against Billy. His legs hook over Billy's trying to get more contact, even as Billy's tongue slides into his mouth. "Ohgod," Dom moans when Billy breaks off the kiss, his hips starting to thrust helplessly.

"Yeah," Billy says, and rubs his groin against Dom's a while longer, then reaches for the pile of toys on the corner of the bed, dragging down the lube and the butt plug. Good thing they've had a fortnight of fantastic sex, or Billy'd be desperate by now.

Dom rubs the soles of his feet over Billy's legs, wishing he could roll them over and snog Billy senseless. Sometimes some hard and fast frottage does the trick as well as anything. When he sees what's in Billy's hand, he groans, biting his lip with nerves and anticipation both.

"You know you want it," Billy growls, "you bought it." He runs the plug down Dom's arm, then presses it to Dom's lips.

It was a gift, a joke, but that doesn't matter. Dom allows his tongue to snake over and around the plug before sucking it in as though it's Billy's cock.

Watching Dom's mouth open and take in the long part of the plug is outrageously sexy, it's nearly too much for Billy. Finally, with a shake of his head, he says, "Stay like that," and slips partway off Dom's body, so he can reach down to Dom's arse.

It's hard not to drool with the plug in his mouth like this, and Dom swallows hard. He whimpers as Billy's body slips off his, allowing cooling air over his sweat-damp skin and removing all the pressure on his cock.

"Look so fucking hot like that," Billy says, opening the tube and squeezing a lot of lube on his fingers. He can't look anywhere but Dom's face, Dom's mouth around the plug, Dom's expression as Billy pushes up his knee and Billy's finger goes round his arsehole and then starts to press in.

"Nnngh," Dom says around the plug. It's not as if he's gagged, he could easily spit it out; but he finds he likes the feel of it in his mouth and sucks hard on it as Billy's finger pushes deeper into his body.

Billy's transfixed by Dom sucking on the thing. His hands go on without conscious control, pressing another finger up Dom's arse, teasing Dom's balls between the cock-ring straps, and then more and harder because he wants to see what Dom will do with his mouth.

All Dom can do is whimper more around the plug, closing his eyes and focusing on what Billy's hands are doing to him, how amazing it feels. The whimper segues into a long, rumbling groan of pleasure as Billy's finger strokes over his prostate.

"Dom," Billy says, his voice feeling thin, "I want to fuck you like this, with it in your mouth."

You're in charge, Dom thinks, but somehow that's not enough. He struggles to swallow around the plug and finally spits it out. It rolls off his chest and on to the bed, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. "What do I have to do to get you to fucking punish me?" He punctuates the last three words with frustrated yanks on the restraints.

"Ehm," Billy stutters, disconcerted. He looks at Dom and realises he's been self-absorbed, selfish even. He'd say. 'Sorry, mate,' but that's not quite the thing to say to a lover who's just demanded punishment. "Yeah, all right," he says, "you'll get it, ya wanker," and gives a hard slap against Dom's skin.

"Call that punishment?" Dom growls. He could almost read the thoughts that went through Billy's mind in response to his outburst, and wants to make sure that Billy remembers. "Fucking pathetic."

Turning Dom on his front so he's arse up, on his elbows, his cock thrusting into the air and the nipple chain dangling, Billy answers Dom's taunting by hitting harder than he generally does, especially at first. "Pushy fuck," Billy says, and spanks Dom so hard that he can feel the blow reverberating up through his own shoulder.

"That's how you like it," Dom mutters into the bed. The spanking is good, but it's not enough. "More," he says.

Reaching up to the corner of the bed, Billy grabs the flogger. "Shut up," he grates, and sends the thongs of the flogger against Dom's shoulder, snapping his wrist to add power to the knots at the end.

Now they're getting somewhere. Dom gasps as the flogger bites into his skin, his cock jumping in response. "Fuck you," he hisses back.

Billy just grunts and shifts back, so he can reach more of Dom's body. He flogs Dom's other shoulder, and the top of his back, watching Dom stretch and bend from the impact as he works his way down Dom's back.

Dom can feel his back starting to heat up, the pain starting to stay with him rather than fade after each hit. Adrenaline and endorphins are flooding his body, it feels amazing, like he's more alive.

"Ahhh," Billy says softly, angling the flogger so the knotted ends round Dom's side and onto his chest, "you need this, so ask nicely."

"Fuck!" Dom yells as the very tip of one of the flogger's thongs swipes a sore nipple, making his whole body jerk in response. He's sweating profusely now. "Not. Gonna. Ask. Nicely," he says through gritted teeth.

After a little pause to make sure Dom's all right, Billy smirks. "You will," he says, and gives Dom's arse a good blow, then flogs back up, along Dom's close side, and a sends a firm tap up from under, right on Dom's nipple.

"Bastard!" Dom yells as the flogger connects with his nipple again. The pain is exquisite.

"Your bastard," Billy says, content because Dom only sounds like that when he's really aroused by the sensations. He flips the flogger down and gives Dom's arse two more of the best, while opening the drawer and scrabbling round until he finds the other butt plug, the big one. Dom's making fabulous noises, and Billy loves it, loves those sounds and the sheen of sweat on Dom's back and the way he moves his arse against the flogger.

Billy's words, the pain and the force of the flogging, all conspire to reduce Dom to making helpless mewling noises. Tears force their way out of his eyes and he presses his face into the pillow, suddenly embarrassed that his aggressiveness is spent and he can't fight back.

"It's all right, better than, you're good," Billy says, running a hand down Dom's back, cupping Dom's arse, relieved when Dom pushes against his hand, still clearly with him, eager for more. "Open for it," he says quietly, pressing the plug against Dom's arsehole, "and make me believe you want it, 'cos I want to give it to you."

The tone of Billy's voice is gentle but demanding. Dom obediently shifts his knees as far apart as he can as Billy pushes the large plug against his hole. It's big, and Billy hasn't used any additional lube, but Dom wants to please him and so he tries hard to relax. The stretch makes him grunt. "Please, want it," he says.

"Ohyeah," Billy croons, pushing one tiny bit further. Dom's not meaning to resist, Billy knows what that feels like, but the plug's not going in. Billy quickly picks up the lube and squeezes it on Dom's arse and the top of the plug, then spreads it round, paying special attention to Dom's tender skin. "There," he says, pushing it in farther, "see what using your manners will do for you?"

Billy eases the plug in, slowly. Dom loves the feeling of it; it grounds and centres him. He breathes deeply to relax as much as he can, as the plug is bigger than Billy's cock - but he's been well-fucked over the last few days and his muscles are well able to take the stretch. "Yeah," he breathes as the plug goes all the way in.

His own cock aches now, watching Dom taking it so well, all lean muscle and skin slick with sweat. Billy drapes himself half over Dom, chest to Dom's back, kissing Dom's skin, rubbing his cock against Dom's thigh. When Billy's hand wanders down to Dom's beaten arse, he can feel Dom's reactions -- a jerk of surprise, a caught breath, a moan, and a push back into his hand -- through Dom's whole body.

Billy's cock rubbing against Dom's thigh makes Dom shiver. When Billy's palm slides over the sensitive skin on his arse, the combination makes Dom's cock jump. He bites his lip and moans, wanting more stimulation.

"Like that?" Billy asks, cupping one of Dom's arse-cheeks in his hand and squeezing. He's eating up Dom's moans, reveling in his shivers, aroused by the heat pouring off Dom, especially where his skin is red from being beaten. "Want more?"

"Yeah, please," Dom moans. The sting in his arse is tantalising, making him crave deeper sensation. "Please, more."

Dragging his fingernails lightly across Dom's arse is very gratifying, feeling Dom shiver and moan. "More, yeah," Billy says, finishing with a slap against the very center of Dom's arse, pushing the plug in a little further. Then Billy reaches under Dom's chest, stroking his fingers along Dom's ringed cock, and further up to pull on the chain between the nipple clips, "Maybe you'll get more."

Dom can't get enough of it. Something in him needs Billy to need him, needs the pain as much as the pleasure as evidence of Billy's need. And Dom wants to reciprocate by showing Billy just how much he can take. "Want to please you," Dom says, tense, trembling. "Whatever you want."

"I think you need this," Billy says, undoing one of the clips and pausing while Dom yells, then putting it back on, on twisted a bit and drinks in the sounds of Dom's shocked moan. "You love it like this," he says, holding Dom until his heart slows down, "you can beg now, you should have begged earlier."

The pain of the clip being removed and replaced is making Dom tremble and sweat and grip the headboard, all the muscles in his arms and shoulders standing out with the strain. "Please," he whispers between panting breaths, his head a fog of pain and need. "Please... Sir."

Billy groans at that, at Dom down so deep in that he starts using the formal language. He bends closer, across Dom's back, feeling Dom's struggle to stay still. "Apologise," Billy orders, "for all your cheekiness this morning." He puts an arm under Dom, to stroke Dom's neck and slide across his chest to hold Dom up and feel him giving over.

Dom wants more of what Billy wants to give, as much as Billy can give, Dom will take. "Sorry," Dom says, his eyes squeezed tight shut. "Sorry... please, I need more."

"Ah, that's lovely," Billy purrs. Dom rarely goes down this far, usually ends up making a joke or at finding a way to go straight to the sex. More often would be too much for Billy to handle, because it's Dom, after all. But right now, Billy can say, "Beautiful boy," and mean it, can revel in the way Dom moans when his thigh presses against Dom's welted arse.

There's something a little bit dangerous in the way Billy's hand runs over Dom's body in a proprietary fashion. Dom can't stop himself from flinching when the hand brushes his tender nipple or Billy's leg hair rubs his sensitised skin. There's now so much tension in his body that he needs some way of releasing it, and so he begs, "Please, punish me!"

The thought of doing that now, when Dom's so very submissive, is frightening in its intensity. Billy kneels back, strokes his own cock just a little, because he's feeling nearly explosive. He reaches for the flogger, and says, "You'll be good for me, boy, obey me all day, no cheek, yeah?" Billy's other hand keeps touching Dom, stroking him, pressing against welts just to see him tense and try not to quiver.

"Yes, please, anything!" Dom begs as he sees Billy stretch for the flogger.

That'll do, for the moment. Billy braces himself on Dom's shoulder and snaps the flogger down against Dom's arse as hard as he can.

Instead of letting out the yell he wants to, Dom presses his face into the pillow and muffles it. It feels like he's run into a wall, a wave of painpleasure that hits his body with a force that takes his breath away. Everything: nipple clips, cock ring, plug, flogger, cuffs, the sound of Billy's voice... it's an all-out assault on Dom's senses that leaves him shaking.

Billy's panting along with Dom, he can't seem to get enough air. Then Dom just... stops, for a moment, but before before Billy can think enough to worry, Dom's moving again, shaking but stable, pressing his arse up and spreading his legs wider, in an unmistakable invitation. "Fucking gorgeous," Billy says, and brings the flogger down, right on Dom's arse, moving so the leather ends curling round into Dom's crack and his balls underneath.

Dom's body has ceased to exist, it seems that all he is is nerve endings, pain and arousal and stimulation that doesn't seem to start or end. He sobs with every stroke of the flogger, desperate to take it, to show Billy that he's worthy.

Nerves jangling, hyper-sensitive to the air, the bed, and especially to Dom, Billy's so aroused he can barely think. "I've got you, Dom, I've got you," Billy heaves a breath as he brings the flogger down against Dom's red welted inviting arse, "I own you."

All Dom can do is make sobbing, mewling noises into the pillow. He's almost at his limit, not really able to take much more but not willing to stop if Billy wants to continue. And not really able to express any of this out loud, in words. So he just whines.

There's something in sounds Dom's making that cuts through Billy's fog of decadent kinky pleasure. Looking at Dom's arse and thighs is both sexy and terrifying: he feels a huge swell of primal lust and ownership, but a little part of his mind thinks he might have taken this too far. "Dom?" he asks.

If Dom could answer, he would, but he can't. All he can do is whimper.

Definitely far enough, Billy decides. He strokes the parts of Dom that aren't welted, and bends down to see his face. Dom's eyes are glazed but he's breathing all right. Billy murmurs into Dom's ear, "Fucking fantastic, you. Going to make you come, don't hold back, you hear?" Dom nods and sniffs as Billy kisses him tenderly.

Considering the logistics for a moment, Billy decides that on their sides is the best position, otherwise he'll feel like he's torturing Dom. More than he already has done. So he eases Dom against him, sideways, Dom's fiery arse against his groin. "Yeah, like that," he says, and reaches back for the condom.

Dom can feel his body tipping on to his side, can feel Billy pressed against his back. Dom's chest is heaving as he tries to pull himself together a little. His wrists are still bound, and with Billy firmly tucked around him, Dom feels safe and begins to calm. "Bill," he whispers, his mantra. "Bill."

"Good yeah," Billy answers, not entirely coherently, "mine to do with, goingta fuck you now" and he kisses whatever of Dom's body he can reach. Twisting away after a moment, Billy deals with the condom as fast as he can, then reaches down to start pulling the plug out of Dom's arse, rocking it slowly back and forth as he eases it out.

The feeling of the plug coming out makes Dom grunt and twitch when Billy rocks it against his prostate. He's left bereft, but not for long, as moments later the head of Billy's cock is pressing against Dom's hole.

Billy tries to keep control, breathing steadily, but Dom's arse is still open from the plug, and right now he wants Dom so much that he's desperate. He thrusts in until he's nearly balls-deep, wrecked by the way Dom arches his back and moans. "Ahhh, perfect," Billy says, kissing Dom's back, shifting his lower hand up and stroking Dom's hair

If it wasn't for the cockring, Dom would have come almost immediately. Billy's rubbing up against the tender skin on Dom's arse as he thrusts, and the combination of that and the gentle way he's stroking Dom's hair makes Dom moan and start to lose his mind again a little.

Eyes closed, Billy steadies himself on Dom's hip and thrusts in again, moaning, "So open for me, Dom, so good...." Billy knows he's pressing against Dom's bruised arse, a guilty pleasure. "Fucking wonderful," he says, and reaches round to start undoing Dom's cock-ring, "I want you to come."

Billy's touching Dom's cock and balls, it's unavoidable, and the moment the pressure is released as the cockring comes off Dom lets out a long, deep groan. It takes a second or two for his body to adjust, and then he comes with a silent place, his body tensing and jerking as pleasure engulfs him and sends him tumbling into oblivion.

Dom coming like this -- silent and needy -- drives Billy completely mad. He wants that, he'll do anything to make it happen and then pull Dom tight to him. Another thrust, and a shudder through Dom's body and Billy's coming too, boneshakingly hard.


It seems like a long time before Dom becomes aware of himself again, and even longer to become aware of his surroundings. He's utterly calm, replete and secure, both physically with the restraints, and emotionally. He lets out a long breath and gradually realises he hurts. But it's okay. Billy is there, Billy will take care of him.

"Oh fuck, Dom, that was... God, you..." Billy says through a haze of pleasure. His cock rubs minutely inside Dom's arse, because it was so good he can't bear to stop. "Love you," he finally manages.

Dom groans. He's happy, but he's hurting more now, especially when Billy's rocking his hips like that against tender skin. "Water?" he manages to mumble.

It takes a while for Billy to understand, but when he does, he turns to reach the nearly-empty bottle by the bed, and gives it to Dom. Who he suddenly sees can't take it, because Billy's tied him to the bed. "Fuck, I'm sorry," he says, and undoes the cuffs, running his hands around Dom's wrists, which seem to be all right, considering.

Dom takes a gulp of water, spilling as much of it on himself and the bed as goes in his mouth. He groans again as Billy carefully pulls out of him, and then Dom rolls on to his front, yelping when he finds the nipple clips are still firmly in position. Billy makes soothing noises, easing Dom back up in order to remove the offending clips, which makes him yelp again before he flops face down on the bed, his arse on fire.

It's odd to see that Dom's not his usual glowy after-sex self, and Billy wonders if they've gone too far. "I'll fetch more water and ice, and aloe," he says, "back in a tic". But he pauses to gives Dom's shoulder a kiss, and Dom's hip a pat before he leaves.

As Dom lies there, he takes deep breaths as his post-orgasmic calm fades and the pain starts to kick in. He rolls his shoulders and tries to hang on to how good it feels, go over the scene in his mind and relive the best moments. He hopes Billy is pleased with him.

Back with the supplies, Billy's shocked to see the state of Dom's arse. It's so red and welted that Billy hisses in sympathy, his chest clenching a little. "Are you all right?" he asks Dom, offering a bottle of water, wishing he'd brought a straw so Dom wouldn't have to sit up to drink.

Dom turns his head and looks at Billy's worried face. He smiles a slow smile. "I feel fantastic," he says. "Other than the fact that my arse is on fire. But that will just remind me of you." He reaches for the water bottle and props himself up on one elbow to drink.

"I'm not going anywhere," Billy says, revising his plans for the next few days. "I'm going to stay here and watch you try to sit on that arse, and laugh every time you whinge." As he's talking, he smears the aloe vera gel across Dom's skin, leaving it thicker on the most damaged areas.

The touch of Billy's hand makes Dom hiss, but the gel feels wonderful. Catching Billy's hand, Dom kisses the inside of his wrist. "That was amazing, you know."

"Bloody intense," Billy answers, a little abashed. "Frightens me a bit," he says, stroking Dom's face, "how far we go. I don't want to hurt hurt you."

"Hey, I know when to stop, you know?" Dom nuzzles Billy's palm happily and then pulls Billy down to lie beside him. "And if you get too scared you can always stop, although I might get seriously annoyed," he adds with a grin.

Billy's heard of that, of tops safewording if a scene gets too much for them, and he now realises how it could be. He lies propped on his elbow and nuzzles Dom's shoulder, saying, thickly, "I might, at that. I might. God, I love you."

"I love you. And I trust you with my life, you know that."

Yeah, Billy does know that. "I just, I don't want to slip, you know? Not slip into harming you, not slip into needing the kinky stuff all the time, terrifies me sometimes."

"Trust yourself, too." Dom feels a rush of protectiveness. "We'll be fine. We'll work it out together."


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