Distance (Dom/Billy, October 2004)

Jul 23, 2008 22:19

Title: "Distance"
Authors: unstealthy and msilverstar
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Rating: NC-17
Feedback: yes, please! comment or email is great
Disclaimer: This is completely false, not true, we made it up
Summary: Relationship angst, girlfriend issues, and lightly kinky phonesex.
Note: For all fics in this universe in chronological order, please see the Master List.


This isn't something Dom's ever had to deal with before. Photographers. Being photographed as you go about your daily business, which in this case consists of having coffee with your gorgeous, fabulous, unbelievably sexy new girlfriend who happens to star with you on the hottest new TV show of the decade.

Yeah, life's tough. But the bloody, fucking photographers. Dom feels hunted.

And there's Billy. What if he sees one of the photographs? On the internet, or if someone passes it on to him... Dom couldn't bear the thought. He's going to have to tell Billy about Evangeline.

After dropping her off, Dom drives back home, fingers drumming on the steering wheel at every stop light. He's trying to figure out what he's going to say, and it's not easy. How will Billy react? Dom's stomach is doing gymnastics as he pulls into the driveway, parks the car and goes into his house. No time like the present. He throws himself down on the couch, picks up the phone and dials Billy's number, hoping against hope that he'll answer.

Dog-walking in the cool of a summer's evening, not a bad life, Billy decides. And it's nice having someone to come home to, even if said someone has four legs and needs clipping. The green isn't too crowded, especially down by the boggy bit with the trees. When Dom's ring comes from his mobile, Billy finds a bench and sits, clipping the lead on Griffin, who immediately sits on Billy's feet. "Hullo," he says, "how's the plane crash going?"

"Oh, you know. It's a hard life. Working on the beach, hanging out with gorgeous babes. Not sure how I cope, really." It's so good to hear Billy's voice, and Dom stretches out on the couch, grinning hugely.

Billy grins back, "How many times have you had to say 'bloody' today?" he asks, "And have they made you say 'blimey' yet?" He will never stop taking the piss about Dom's token Englishman status in the show.

"No, the word of the day is 'sodding'," Dom says with a laugh. "Seriously, how many times have you ever heard anyone, ever say 'sodding'?"

"One of Gran's friends, I think..." Billy does a very thick Glaswegian, "They think you're an elderly woman from Paisley?"

Dom's laughing hard now. "Maybe that's it!" He's full of the satisfying happy feeling he gets when he's talking to Billy. "I miss you. I sodding miss you, mate. What you doing?"

"Having my feet sat on by a dog that needs a wash," Billy says, a bit dryly, "doing a thing with the drama school, and practising on my guitar till my hands are sore, we have a concert coming up. Might go to Canada for some kind of convention."

"Sounds fun." Dom swallows, realising he can't put off the inevitable any longer. "Listen, Bill, I've got something to tell you."

"Your character's getting killed off?" Billy asks. He wouldn't mind, though it would be crap for Dom's career.

"Ha! No sodding way," Dom grins. Then his tone changes. He swallows again. "I, um. I met someone."

There's a silence while Billy's chest twists into a giant knot at finally hearing what Dom hasn't been telling him. He won't lie to Dom and congratulate him, even if he could say the words. Dom would know. He eventually says, "Who?"

"I work with her, on the show. Her name's Evangeline." Billy's tone and monosyllabic response isn't lost on Dom. "She's lovely, Bill, really," he says softly.

"Was afraid of that," Billy says, "all those beautiful Hollywood girls, and boys."

"Oh god, she's not like that at all," Dom jumps in immediately. "She's not Hollywood. She's Canadian, this is her first acting job, she's fantastic, like no girl I've ever met." He can't help his enthusiasm from spilling out. "She even likes bugs!" he laughs.

"You're serious about her." Billy's been through a hundred of Dom's crushes, Dom's starfucker fantasies, Dom's one-night-stands, Dom's musician friends, Dom's girlfriends and boyfriends who last a week. But Dom's never been like this before.

"Oh, I dunno about that." Billy's tone is even more obvious now, and Dom finds he wants to reassure his friend. "I mean, we hardly know each other. But yeah, I really like her."

Billy does not say, 'What about me?' He doesn't say, 'You were the one who thought we could make this work,' or 'We've only been apart since March,' or 'I thought you didn't want anyone but me'. But he thinks those things.

"Bill?" Billy's fallen silent and it worries Dom. "Talk to me?"

"All right, I will. Talk," Billy says, nerving himself up for it, "I can't say I'm thrilled." He scrubs his face with the hand not holding the telephone, and stands up, unhooking Griffin from the lead, needing to move, walking fast. "Imagine if it were me?" he says.

"I... I dunno, I mean, I understand how you feel, but." Dom sighs. "It shouldn't make any difference to us, you know? I've told her about you, that you and I aren't in a relationship, like, but. Well, you know. The physical side of it." Dom's suddenly horribly uncomfortable.

Billy has never, ever, had a harder time following Dom's logic. "The difference, the distance, what?"

"That when we see each other, you and me, I mean. It won't make any difference, we'll still have sex!" Dom blurts out. "I don't want to give that up."

"It's the sex, then? That's what it's been about?" Billy knows it's not as simple as that, but it still hurts. "You want everything, have your cake and eat it too, life's not like that, Dom!"

"Oh god, don't play the martyr," Dom groans. "It's not about the sex, and you know it. What exactly is your problem here? I'm still living five thousand miles away, that hasn't changed."

"Fucking fine. That's not how you felt before, that's not how you convinced me to give it a go, so fuck off." Billy thumbs off his mobile, all the way off so he won't hear if Dom rings again, and stomps back towards his house feeling like a big girl's blouse. Or the girl inside it.

Dom opens his mouth to answer, but Billy's gone. "What the fuck?" he says out loud. "Tit. Please yourself." He tosses the phone aside and picks up a script.


Billy rattles round his kitchen, setting out Griffin's food and savagely cutting cheese and apples for himself. He turns on the telly and there are three weeping females on three different channels. He picks up his guitar and finds himself playing the most mournful songs he knows, with girls drowning and false lovers. He considers begging off the pub quiz, but knows he's better off in company. And it does help. Until he checks his voice mail at midnight -- 1 pm in Hawaii -- and there's a message from a friend about a Thai cookery class, and nothing from Dom.

It's a bit disconcerting when Saturday drags on into evening and Billy hasn't phoned back. Dom goes over to Foxy's place and he, Evi and Matthew watch a film. Dom can't really focus on it though, as his mind is on Billy and his hand on the cellphone in his pocket, wondering and worrying and hoping Billy'll call. Finally he gets home and there's no message on his answering machine either, so he drinks a large vodka and falls into bed.

Waking up, Billy stretches, drowsy and content. There's a beam of sunlight coming through his window, with dust motes swirling round like tiny stars. He wishes Dom could see it, and then remembers why he's so pissed off at Dom. Staring at the light, Billy misses Dom so furiously that it feels like a cramp in his chest, as though he's swum too soon after eating and is drowning from it. He wonders what a heart attack feels like, and then kicks himself for melodrama and gets up to let Griffin out into the garden. When he glances at his mobile and sees no messages, he finds himself angry more than anything else. If Dom thinks he'll call first, he doesn't know Billy very well at all.

Dom tosses and turns in bed, unable to stop thinking about Billy's last words. "Fuck off." It's not the first time they've said such pleasantries to each other, but it still gnaws at Dom's insides. Finally, after an hour of sleeplessness, he says "Bugger it," out loud and reaches for his cellphone, lying on the bedside table in case Billy should call. He sighs, and calls Billy's number.

Being out in sun with Griffin soothes Billy's soul a bit, gives him some perspective. So when Dom's ring comes out of his mobile, Billy answers it without any of the elaborate insults he'd thought up last night.

"Hey," Dom says sleepily, wondering what Billy's response will be.

"Dom," Billy answers, "you really are a wanker, you know that."

"I love you, I really do," Dom says. "But you're so far away."

Billy says, "Yeah. I know. I love you too." He's still feeling a bit tremulous, but nothing like yesterday.

"I can't..." Dom begins. He grinds the heel of his hand into his eye socket. "Do you really want me to save myself for you, is that what you were asking before?"

It sounds naff even to Billy, now Dom's put it into words. "No, 'course not. I'm used to your wanton ways." He takes a breath and says, "The sex isn't what I want you to save for me. I know you, Dom: you'd explode."

"So what then?" Dom breathes a sigh of relief.

"Dunno how to say it without sounding utterly soppy," Billy admits. "Something of you, of your heart? So you don't go falling in love without warning me."

"I'd never do that," Dom says seriously. "There's a piece of me that's yours, will always be yours, and I don't just mean my cock." He grins now and slides down the bed. "I love you Bill, so you'd better promise the same thing for me."

Absurdly touched by Dom's declarations of love, Billy finds himself smiling and shaking his head. "Same for me," he says, "how did Astin put it? 'Non-monogamous life partner'?"

"Astin said that?" Dom chuckles a throaty, sleepy chuckle. "Wish you were here, non-monogamous life partner. We could have some non-monogamous fun."

"Or just plain shag," Billy says, imagining Dom in bed, his skin tan with the Hawaiian sun, and his whole body warm and welcoming.

"A shag with you's never just plain," Dom murmurs. "The earth moves on a regular basis when we have sex. It's probably the reason for all the seismic activity in California." Dom wraps his hand around his cock and starts to massage it to hardness. "Mmm."

Billy's completely unable to resist Dom's phone sex voice. It flows through Billy's brains like golden syrup, and turns him into a mass of sexual need. "I miss your mouth," Billy says, trying to equal Dom's murmur, "I miss kissing you, getting blown by you, hearing you make all those noises.

"Can't help myself," Dom says with a soft groan. "There's nothing like getting fucked by you. I love it." He's fully hard now, his hand moving quickly and firmly over his erection.

With a quick flare of triumph -- no girl can properly fuck Dom -- Billy walks back into his house and sits on his favourite chair, the one that he's had Dom on so many times. "Yeah?" Billy says as he gets settled, "what would you do for that, my cock in your arse?"

"Whatever you asked," Dom moans. "I'd fucking beg for it." He fumbles for his bluetooth earpiece and once it's in place for a second is scared he's cut Billy off. "Hello?"

"I'll bet you would," Billy says, "beg for it." His eyes close and his hand goes to his cock, getting hard in his jeans. "What if I didn't ask, what I let you earn it through your own kinky creativity?"

"Yeah," Dom mumbles. Now he's got both hands free he's got one on his balls, the other stroking his cock. "I'd crawl for you. Fuck myself with a dildo while you watch. Lick your feet."

Billy's breathing fast, imagining Dom doing those things. "Yeah," he says, "crawl across the room, fetch me something in your mouth and crawl back." Billy's cock is hard, the skin tight around it, hot in his hand.

"Get you what you need to fuck me," Dom mutters. "Fetch you the lube and a condom, I'd bring it back to you and kneel at your feet and offer it to you." His free hand now goes to his arse, pressing against his hole. "Oh god, please. Please fuck me."

"Too easy," no matter how hot, Billy dismisses that. "The dildo though, that's better. And Dom, don't come till I tell you."

Dom lets out a small whining sound. "Please," he whispers. "I'd do anything. Fuck myself with a dildo till I'm sore, I'd still beg you to fuck me."

"Maybe you need a bigger one," Billy says softly, because it's such a dirty sexy thought, "maybe one of those really big fuckers, size of my arm."

"Yes, please, anything, shall I do it now?" Dom's voice wobbles a bit. "I've got a dildo here."

"Just your fingers, right now" Billy orders. Dom begging is nearly too hot, and Billy wants to draw this out a little. "I want to make you watch yourself put that big one in, watch in the mirror, slick it up with lube and shove it up your arse."

"Ooohhhhhh," Dom groans. "Feels so good but not as good as your cock, please, I need your fucking cock in me!" He's perilously close to coming, so slackens his hold on his cock and slows his rhythm.

"No, I don't think you've earned it," Billy says, knowing he's being petty about that girl. "You're going to suck my cock and fuck yourself on the dildo, and I'm going to watch your throat in the mirror, watch my cock going in past your lips."

"Fuck, you're killing me," Dom says. But Billy's not here to punish him if he disobeys, and what the hell, it's only a fantasy. He has one last go at begging. "Please, fuck me. Please!"

"Dom, you make me want to do such wicked things to you," Billy confesses, rubbing his own cock as he imagines Dom. "Want to beat you with my hand, my belt, want to come on your face, want to fuck you till you cry..."

"Nnngh," is all Dom can manage before he's coming with a groan, helplessly thrusting into his fist.

Hearing Dom's orgasm is enough to push Billy to it, coming over his hand and stomach, yelling so loudly that Griffin yelps as well. "Holy fuck, Dom..." he groans, wishing he could somehow leap to Hawaii.

"Yeah, I know," Dom murmurs, reaching for a tissue to clean himself off as he listens to Billy coming, far away and not in his arms. "Love you."

Billy sighs, "Yeah, you too." It feels like everything that could be said has been said.

"So." Dom tugs the sheet up around himself. "Are we good? You okay?" He hates to think of Billy alone and hurting.

"I'm all right, might try to come see you, after the convention. Do a bit of surfing."

"Good. Yeah." Dom sighs with relief again. "You could meet Evangeline, you'd like her."

Wiping his hand with his shirt, Billy says, "That's the girl? Send me picture. Or better, a home video with you two going at it." Let's see what Dom has to say about that.

Dom laughs. "If she's up for it, yeah, no problem!" He tries to imagine Evangeline, with whom he's been very sexually unadventurous so far, being willing to be filmed for someone else to watch. Can't see it happening somehow. "I'll work on her. In every way." Dom sighs. He's sleepy. "Gonna catch some Zs now, mate," he mumbles. "Glad we're okay."

Billy snorts a bit at Dom's Hawaiian vocabulary, and says, "Beauty sleep, you need every bit," and then, "I'm okay, but no more surprises for a while?"

"Yeah, not from me, anyway. Talk soon. Love you."

"Bye," Billy says, and presses the End button.

eta: fixed month


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