All You Have To Do Is Ask (Dom/Billy, October 2000)

Jun 03, 2008 13:44

Title: "All You Have To Do Is Ask"

Authors: unstealthy and msilverstar
Pairing: Dominic Monaghan/Billy Boyd
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is completely false, not true, we made it up
Summary: They find one of Billy's hard limits.
Note: For all fics in this universe in chronological order, please see the Master List.

Dom's had an exceptionally good day. There were no Orcs or animatronic trees involved in their scene, and it felt like there was less waiting around than normal -- that things got done. "Administrative efficiency," Dom said to Billy as they sat slumped in front of the TV after a take-away dinner later that evening. "It goes a long way. If I ruled the world, or Three Foot Six Productions, whichever was the larger, there'd be a lot more Administrative Efficiency."

"No there wouldn't," Billy objects automatically. "If there were, you'd never get a rest. I'm for Semi-Efficiency, myself." He stretches and sighs, pulling a bit of ear-glue from his hair. "If Pete were Efficient, we'd have done only five takes and had no nap."

"You see, that's where Administrative Efficiency and Artistic Integrity have a big fight, and usually Artistic Integrity wins, when Pete's the referee, anyhow." Dom settles himself again after Billy's stretch. "Mmm, I'm horny," he says, nuzzling Billy's neck.

Billy smirks, "As if that's news." But it is lovely to have Dom's mouth and Dom's hands and his lean body and his constant enthusiasm, back from the South Island and randier than ever. Billy rakes his hand through Dom's hair, longer than he's seen it before and much easier to pull. Not yet, though, now's for cupping Dom's head and holding him still for a proper kiss.

"Mmm, you were practising while I was gone, weren't you. Maybe on Ian. Or Daisy." Dom grins against Billy's mouth. "Must have been Daisy. I've seen you looking at him."

"I've kissed people before," Billy protests, pulling away to look at Dom, "and why do you think it had to be someone in the cast?"

"Oh, I see!" Dom chuckles, leaning in to lick Billy's neck. "It's that bird in craft services, then. The cute one with the big lips."

Sighing at the sensation, Billy says, "Ah, that's nice." Dom's tongue knows all the sensitive places, and Billy has to just enjoy it for a moment. "It's true," he confesses misleadingly, "that I have a bit of a thing for sexy mouths".

"Did you tie her up and spank her, Bill? Didja?" Dom pokes Billy in the ribs. "Did she cry 'Billy, no, no,' when what she really meant was 'yes, yes, take me you handsome Scottish rake, you'?"

"Wrong bird, Dom, and the one I had could break me with one hand." Billy twists Dom's hand so it's pointing back at himself, moves the hand to the spot on Dom's side that makes him shriek every time.

"Ah, so there was a woman." Dom struggles to avoid being prodded with his own hand.

"Maybe," Billy says, reaching around Dom, "maybe I just want you to think that, and I was really shagging Andy. And Ian. At the same time." Dom's other side is unguarded and Billy manages a good tickle right under the ribs.

Dom yells and leaps off the couch. "You couldn't handle Andy and Ian at the same time. So I know that's a lie." He jumps on Billy again and manages to pin him down long enough to kiss them both breathless, until the struggle lands them both on the floor with a thump. Struggling against each other heats Dom up, he loves wrestling with Billy who's a good match for him in size and strength. "Not... gonna... yield!" Dom pants.

With a twist, Billy rolls them over, pushes Dom's chest down and sits on his groin. "I'm going to make you," Billy says, panting a bit, "I'm going to make you beg." He leans down and kisses Dom, a messy kiss full of lips and teeth, and it's so fucking sexy he can't believe it.

"Never!" Dom says, struggling to twist his head away from Billy's. Dom's wrists are pinned to the floor, and it's so incredibly hot having Billy holding him down and kissing him. "Not gonna do what you say, fucker!"

"Are," Billy smears his lips along Dom's jaw, down along the gorgeous curve of his neck, a little teeth along the way. When he gets to the base of Dom's neck, down where the costume will cover it up, he presses in and sucks, hard, making a mark on Dom's skin. He's drunk on it, the taste of Dom, the feel of Dom's body under him, struggling or no.

It's so bloody hot, Dom's ready to combust. He grunts and writhes under Billy, muttering, "Bastard!"

Billy gets a bit distracted, and Dom attacks again, knee up between Billy's legs, pushing Billy over against the couch. He'd never found wrestling exciting before, but Dom could probably make stuffing envelopes sexy.

Dom's cock is hard, and he can tell Billy's in a similar state as their bodies press together. Billy grinds his hips up against Dom, making Dom gasp and lose his grip. Billy rolls them over again and kisses Dom hard, Dom still struggling. "Fuck you!" he snarls when Billy breaks off the kiss.

"Not today, mate," Billy answers, feeling his face move in a manic smile, "I'm going to fuck you, spread your legs and fuck you, and you're going to love it." He manoeuvres his other leg between Dom's legs, and leans on Dom's arms as he presses Dom's thighs apart a little. But Dom's legs are bloody strong, and they press back: it's a standoff for a few moments.

"Can't make me!" Dom says, gritting his teeth as the pressure of Billy's leg against his cock sends heat searing through his body. "Can't make me do anything!"

Bending down, Billy nuzzles Dom's chest, finding his nipple right through the cloth of his tshirt. "Want to hear you beg," Billy says, hot against Dom's skin, and then fastens his mouth around Dom's nipple and sucks it hard.

"Fuck!" Dom hisses. What Billy's doing to him is unbelievably good, but he's not giving in. "Not gonna beg for you."

Rocking his hips, rubbing against Dom's body, Billy finally reaches down and shoves Dom's shirt up, eager to touch skin. He licks his way up to Dom's other nipple and twirls his tongue around it till Dom arches and pushes into Billy's mouth. "Taste so good," he says, unbuttoning his own shirt one-handedly, "going to taste you all over, yeah."

Dom's torn between begging for more, and really being into the mindset of him resisting and Billy insisting. It's incredibly hot. As Billy's skin meets his own, Dom realises that Billy's going to win, and he can't bear it. "No," he mutters. "Not gonna let you."

"Oh yes," Billy breathes onto Dom's skin as he licks and kisses down his belly. He can't remember the last time he had Dom's cock in his mouth, but he does remember it's always good. First, though, he runs his mouth across Dom's last rib, and twirls his tongue around Dom's navel. "All you have to do is ask."

All Dom wants is to beg Billy to stop and for Billy to carry on regardless. Now that Dom's hands aren't pinned, he grabs Billy's shoulders and shoves, assuming Billy will push back and pin him down. "No, I said no!" he cries.

"No?" Billy's body falls back, and he looks up at Dom, wondering what the bloody hell is going on. Dom's never turned down a blow-job before, but Dom's been saying 'no', now that Billy thinks of it, for quite a while today. "Are you going to be sick?" he asks, hoping he knows where the bin is, if Dom needs it.

"No, I..." Dom's feeling suddenly deflated as he realises Billy's taking this seriously. "I thought..." he frowns. "I thought we were playing. I thought you'd carry on."

"What, push you down and force you?" The thought of it makes Billy's stomach curdle.

"You wouldn't actually be forcing me!" Dom says, slightly exasperated now. He sits up and pulls his t-shirt down. "Can't you get into a bit of role play? Have some fun, not take it all so bloody seriously all the time?"

Billy blinks. So that's what Dom was on about. "I never," he starts, "It's the 'no', even in fun. My sister always says 'No means no'."

"Oh god." Dom hauls himself up on to the sofa. "You're like an old woman sometimes, really." He picks up a half-empty beer bottle and takes a swig.

"Fuck that," Billy says, crossing his arms across his chest. "I don't care, I shan't do it. I don't think I'd be able."

"Why?" Dom says, annoyed. "When you know I want it, that it's only a game? What's the big deal?" Billy seems to be being unnecessarily prudish, he thinks.

"You don't have a sister." Billy takes a breath, remembering, "so you have no idea how awful some blokes can be." He looks at Dom, and says, "It's not funny and I won't do it."

Dom stands up. "I never said it was funny, I said it was a game. It's not cruel and stupid if everyone's consenting!" He stands up. "Forget it. I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

"Wait, Dom!" Billy scrambles up after him, "I just said I won't do that, I didn't say 'go'." He reaches for Dom's shoulder, to keep him from leaving right away. "It's just not my thing, like Liv hates toe-rings and," he's desperately reaching for something, anything to just explain to Dom, "remember how we felt when we saw the porn with the nappies?"

Billy's hand is warm and firm on Dom's shoulder, his tone pleading, and Dom can't ignore it. "Why didn't you say it was a turn-off," he mutters.

Arms wrapping round Dom to pull him closer, Billy says, "Didn't know it was in question." He looks into Dom's eyes, and sighs, "I feel a bit odd, guilty sometimes, about those things I do to you. Couldn't do it if I didn't know, completely, how much you like it."

"Thought you liked it too," Dom says, frowning, his face pressed into Billy's shoulder.

"I do like it, love it, or I wouldn't do it, like the nappy-people," Billy moves Dom against the wall and leans against him, pressing his body against Dom's. "But the sounds you make, you wanting it so much you'll beg, that's a part of it."

Dom can't help laughing at the nappy references. He slides his hands around Billy's waist under his still-unbuttoned shirt. "I'd do anything for you, Bill. If you said no, I'd beg and crawl until you said yes."

The image of Dom crawling is fucking hot, so hot that Billy has to pull Dom's head close, and kiss him till they're both breathless. "Just," he says, "don't ask me to do the other, pretend to force you: it's a terrible turn-off."

Dom whimpers when Billy breaks off the kiss. "Is that an order?" he murmurs, smiling against Billy's mouth.

"Standing order," Billy answers as he kisses down Dom's neck. "Speaking of standing..." he drops a kiss on Dom's chest and another on his belly as he slides down to his knees in front of Dom. He rubs his face across the front of Dom's jeans and breathes hot air against Dom's cock.

"Oh god...." Dom's knees buckle a little and he has to grab Billy's shoulders for support. He's suddenly, unbearably aroused again. "Please," he groans.

Billy smirks against Dom's jeans and brings his hand up underneath to cup Dom's balls right through he cloth. "You don't have to beg," he says, "but you'll get more, and faster, if you do." He undoes Dom's jeans and rubs his mouth along Dom's skin, humming with pleasure at the smell and taste of it

"Fuck, Bill..." One of Dom's hands scrabbles against the wall, the other one fists in Billy's hair. "So good, please!"

It has been a long time, too long, and Billy's mouth is tingling with desire for Dom's cock. "Oh yeah," he croons, licking Dom's skin as he gently frees Dom's cock from the fabric, then moves his mouth onto the head, twirls his tongue around and sucks.

Dom gasps, and his head thumps back against the wall. Billy's mouth is hot and wet around his cock, licking and sucking as if he's got his favourite flavour of ice cream. His hand tightens in Billy's hair and he mutters monosyllabic encouragements as Billy enthusiastically works on his cock.

This is more like it, more and better and wonderfully hot, Dom quivering at every touch. Billy presses one hand against Dom's hip, keeping Dom still as he bobs up and down around Dom's cock, cupping Dom's balls in his other hand.

It's too much. Billy gives one hard suck and swallow, and Dom comes with a cry into Billy's mouth, clutching at Billy's hair.

Not that it's hard to make Dom come, but Billy still feels a bit of triumph, the taste of Dom's come allowing him to let go of any lasting worry about Dom's silly game. Billy swallows again, lets Dom's cock slip out of his mouth and leans close.

Panting, Dom slides down the wall until he's sitting on the floor, face to face with Billy, wrapping his arms around him. "God, I love you so much," he murmurs. "Sorry about being a tosser before."

"It's okay," Billy says, "one of those things." Really, it's been almost too easy to be with Dom, to experiment with everything he's ever imagined, and then some. "Love you too," and that's getting easier and easier to say, because Dom seems to have taken up residency in Billy's heart.

The kiss happens by unspoken mutual consent. Dom's hand roams over Billy's chest as they kiss, stroking, tweaking a nipple, before sliding down to the bulge in Billy's jeans. Billy groans softly into Dom's mouth as Dom's hand gently squeezes and rubs. Billy's response makes Dom's chest tighten and he whimpers as Billy's hands grip him tighter. "That offer you made earlier, to fuck me, is it still open?" Dom murmurs when they come up for air.

"Ride me?" Billy counters, and then laughs when he realises that he's asked for the most blatantly consensual thing he can think of. Fair cop. "I want to watch you," he says, "see you do it all for me."

"Love to," Dom says, still relishing having Billy's erection under his hand. "Let's go to bed, I'm going to take my time over you."

Billy follows as Dom stands up, turns and moves down the hall and into his bedroom. As Dom turns to him, Billy simply keeps moving forward, colliding with Dom and pushing him down on the bed. Dom makes a muffled noise and Billy can feel him laughing, the sound rippling through his body as Dom opens his mouth and uses that amazing tongue of his on Billy's chest.

"Come on, we're both wearing too much," Dom says, pushing Billy off him reluctantly and yanking his own t-shirt over his head before pushing his jeans down and off. Billy's struggling with his jeans a bit, and Dom takes a moment to laugh at him. As soon as Billy's naked, Dom pounces on him and kisses him hard. "Gonna make you feel so good. Come so hard your eyes pop out," Dom says, nuzzling Billy's neck.

"Yeah, right there," Billy says, weaving his fingers through Dom's hair, and rubbing his poor neglected cock against Dom's skin. His hands cup Dom's arse and hold him close: hips to hips, chest to chest. He could probably come from just rubbing like this, not that he'll tell Dom that.

"Mmmneed lube, need to prep myself," Dom mutters against Billy's skin between kisses and licks. "D'you wanna do it?"

Dom's arse pushes against Billy's hold and even that little movement makes Billy moan. He says, "Can't let go," and squeezes Dom's cheeks to illustrate.

"You're going to have to, if you want to fuck me," Dom says with a grin and a raised eyebrow. "Let me get the lube, at least?"

Billy says, "Make it snappy,"' and can hear how truly awful his American accent is. He'll have to work on that. As Dom turns to get the lube, Billy slaps Dom's arse, drinking in the almost soundless noise Dom makes in response.

Turning, Dom growls, and Billy gives a cackling laugh in response. "Okay big boy, let's see if we can't do this with lots of lube and no prep," Dom says. He pumps some of the cool gel into his palm and warms it between his hands before stroking it over Billy's cock, making Billy gasp and his hips jump. Dom quickly squeezes out more lube and presses it into his hole, then straddles Billy's hips and lines himself up. "Doing this for you," he says, and presses down.

If Billy hadn't known, first-hand, that Dom's been fucked recently, he wouldn't let this happen. As it is, he groans as Dom's arsehole envelopes his cock so slowly that it's nearly torture. "God, that's good," he moans, and caresses Dom's hips.

The sting, the burn, is good. It anchors Dom, reminds him who he belongs to. Slowly he settles on to Billy's cock until it's buried deep inside him and he's sitting firmly on Billy's hips, stroking his rapidly hardening cock. "Wanted to watch, didn't you?" he says with a lascivious grin.

"You put on an excellent show, Mr. Monaghan," Billy babbles, mouth on automatic while his cock is in charge. "Do continue," he says, rolling his hips under Dom's weight, moving inside Dom just enough to get the friction he yearns for.

Dom slowly lifts his hips and lowers them again, adjusting gradually to the feel of Billy's cock. "You feel fantastic," he says, wanking harder now, panting a little.

"I do," Billy agrees. His hands have been all over Dom, all the parts he could reach, and now he reaches for Dom's cock, slick with the lube from Dom's hands. "Move more," he says, urging Dom's thighs to lift as his own hand goes up, letting out a moan as his cock slides down and nearly out of Dom's arse.

"Yeah, oh fuck, yeah," Dom says, starting a rhythm which Billy matches. Their bodies make all kinds of obscene noises as they thrust and move against each other. "Oh god, Bill," Dom moans softly.

Billy says, "Wait for me," because this is too good to rush through. There's almost too much lube in Dom's arse to get the friction Billy needs, so after a the delicious slick thrusting, he lifts his knees and changes the angle, presses against Dom's back to nudge him forward. Billy's hand's now caught between their bodies and he gives Dom's cock a special little twist at the end of each pull, when he's buried inside Dom's arse.

Dom's come once already this evening, so can hold off as long as Billy needs. He's leaning forward on his hands now, rocking backwards and forwards in time with Billy's thrusts, his gaze locked with Billy's. "I could fuck all night," he grins.

"Should we?" Billy's tempted, he's never done that.

"You'll fall asleep," Dom says, raising an eyebrow. "As will I. And I want to see you come."

"When we have a longer break," Billy says thoughtfully, "and before I do anything to make you too sore..." But that's not important now, what is important is that Dom's arse has just hit the perfect angle and Billy's mind is drowned in a sea of pleasure. "Ahhh, that's just it, stay there," he moans happily.

"Yeah, love you," Dom murmurs, clenching gently around Billy's cock. "Come for me?"

Thrusting up, meeting Dom's arse coming down, Billy wants to feel Dom coming but he doesn't think he can wait that long. "You too," he manages to pant out, and then he snaps his hips and one last thrust, and he comes with a yell.

Elated, Dom waits until Billy's come down from his orgasm, then lets Billy's cock slip out of him so he can settle himself on top of Billy for a proper cuddle. "Mm, that was nice," he says, licking at a patch of sweat by Billy's collarbone. "Sexy, sexy man."

"What did you say before, make my eyes pop out? I think you may have done." Billy's still breathless, finally reaching out for something to wipe himself clean with. He dabs at Dom's arse and Dom's half-erect cock, asking, "Hmmm, whatever shall we do with this?"

Dom slides off Billy and on to his side, chuckling. "I don't know. Got any ideas?"

Billy in his usual post-orgasm daze, and if Dom's not needing it, he won't resist the call of sleep. "Save it for morning?" he asks to be sure.

"Good idea." Dom stretches. "Gonna brush my teeth, you be asleep when I get back?"

"Yeah," Billy says, nearly there already. "Pull up the duvet, would you?"

Dom hops off the bed and pulls the duvet up around Billy, pressing a kiss in his hair. Billy's breathing's already slowing and deepening, and Dom stands and looks for a few moments, in wonder. He very nearly screwed things up for them tonight; it was only Billy's persistence that ensured things ended happily. Dom sighs, slightly in awe of his luck, and heads for the bathroom.


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