lesbians are for whores

Apr 26, 2005 21:44

i fucking ♥ vacation!

let see now.

Friday-Sosa, alysaaaa, debbie,erik,finn and I hung oout..we went to memories, adn then decided to leave after realizing that we wanted to go to some pizza place, but yet, we didnt knwo where this pizza joint was, so after driving around for an hour and 15 minutes. debbie decided to suprise* us and bring us to KHOP.whoree.we were all really tired, so we just went to sammies and hung out there for a while, then debbie took finn hoem and erik left and then there were 3.

Saturday-Debbie and I both had to leave at 11 from Sammi's, my brothers friends came over at 12 to spend the night, for his birthday.bahh.i cleaned all day..then did nothing that night.exciting day!

Sunday-i had prac. at 10-12, Josh and his mom picked us up and took both josh and i to Doug and Missy's house, for my cousins 2nd birthday, there were so many people there.gah.we didnt stay long, we had Rich pick us up and bring us to the movies*the interpreter.gah. then i went home.nothing that night

Monday-Doubleheader! lets see.first game we played 12 innings..we were done before the boys..aha.i didnt play the fist game. the second game though i played the whole time. in the last inning, i caught this amazing fly ball, it was awesome.everyone was extreamly proud of me! i was happy. after that. i came home adn then after a little while Josh came over for about half hour and we just sat in his car and talked and he brought me some barbeque chips and a huge ass pepsi.then.bed.

TODAY-well.i woke up to my dog coming and jumping on my bed and then barking in my ears, that scared the shat out of me, then i got up and didnt basiclaly nothing but pick up a little bit, my rents were in Boston with my brother at the hospital:-/ and then they came home and not sortly after joshua and i went off to Hampton Beach. it was awesome, we played some cathc and shtuff.then we tryed to go in the water but i couldnt even put my feet in, as soon as i hit the cold sand i ran away.far.far.away.it was so muhc fun though, and then we went ot wal-mart, looked around and then Josh went and showed me his work site.they are building b.e.a.utiful houses.then we rushed and sped all t he way to dunkin' donuts and then home.i was home a minute early!whahoo! I got my hair cut today too! its alot shorter, but i like it!

i had so much fun babe.thank you so much for taking me out today and every other dya.i love you bunches, and i can;t wait for tomorrow, and thursday! i love you cupcake!♥
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