Apr 25, 2005 01:58
simply i dont got a-nough time and i want more, but i dont need to deal with all this sit, but i got headphones so now i can totally be in my own world for however long i want cause they are comfy and i am wearing them right now as my roommates sleep/watch a movie.... i should deal with this ever and now passover its just a fucking mess
well whatever, life's suprisingly good otherwise besides work, but i might go and yell at a few teachers at this point, or like all of them and my advisor, but worst/best case i leave this crappy university and find something better...well at least i can find out abotu camp tommorow, boy that could be messy
call art dept guy
call camp
email for recomendation NIH Guy
engineering people maybe
clone myself and make him do my work
also if anyone wants a job at adele's i got the in and in, just ask and i can deliver, but ask nice cause otherwise ill probable yell at you...
i say i pull an all nighter and do work till my heart stops, we'll see...