Jan 26, 2005 01:55
so lets start at the beginning, but in order for this to occur i need to know where the beginning begins...i guess ill go from when i got back here and work up until nowish...
so i came back with my mom...note im heading off to the big down huge ginormous pillows to continue writing...so i got back and i didnt have a key at all cause chris still had it, but thats a different story... so i check out a key and also a cart which was a godsend cause i only had to make one trip... so moving in was the usual, bring shit up to the room, had to carry my computer which was lighter than i remembered, or maybe im just getting stronger (grrrrrr)... so moved everything in and start to organize my plan of attack for the room, as i had it for a few hours and nothing to do, so i figure ill take my sweet ass time. and my mom saw my room for the first time in a along time since i origionally moved in i think, but it doesnt matter... anyway my mom made some comments about how i something something, not important but i responded with my quick cunning whit and she got pissy and started to storm off, until i told her she had money for me... but then whatever, it was a dumb fight cause i proved her wrong and she doesnt like it when i do that... so she left and i was setting up my room amd of course the internet is essential first so i tried to do that but it wouldnt work for the longest time, i ended up going and doing something and coming back and then it worked...food with justin and brenna i think... or something... jee whiz my memory sucks...welll i slowly unpacked, justin was trying to get me to go to the gym.. ohh ive gotten alot of comments about my copmuter which ive had issues wiht being proud about.. i believe they are aforementionally(?) documented on here, but still ive gotten alot of comments on how pretty and nice it is...
is that your new computer? i mean did you get a new monitor? "no, thats the computer" thats amazing
thats sick
im too lazy to continue the list, but feel free to come and look and jeez its the only thing lighting up my room and i could read right now...
well on to more pressing storie points...
at some point while justin was bothering me i was trying to figure out how to hang the 2 blacklights i got over break so he suggested string, so i just made loops out of duct tape.. but now we got 2 blacklights and they really work well so thats interesting...i fixed a few things on my computer, but thats just a reminder for myself to setup another things to do...i played 2 records yesterday... first i put on phish's story of a ghost which i really enjoy listening to on vinyl for some reason then i went old school, well actually older school with simon and garfunkles greatest hits cause i had just listened to something by them and it made me want to clcik some more, but i cant remember what made me think of putting it on...well to continue yesterday, nothing really eventful really happened during the day... at around 9 my roommates showed up at the same exact time as kudlick called, that kid has seriously gone downhill since losing his hair, well jon had gotten a free "futon" on craigslist, but it turns out the people had been too poor to buy one so they made one and made a crappy frame of cinderblocks and plywood... and bought 2 huge-o down pillows and just used thouse as mattress of the futon... well jon was getting rid of them so i took them or something, but they are so comfortable, and they smell like perfume, which either means jon wears too much perfume or the trashed girls in my room last night wear way too much perfume, or jon uses a nice fabric softener when he washed the covers for the pillows... well so roommates came with mike hess and winger...
mike hess was not an apple fan when he came to college park... he left this afternnoon and im'ed me about him getting an apple so he could play around on one cause they were cool
thats just why they are amazing and im not entirely crazy and i will one day work for them, hopefully not in retail...anohter note, i dont know if the tags for an aside even exist... well winger is now living on the 6th floor of hagerstown cause he a transfer and thats cool... well they dragged their stuff in and i went down to retrieve the pillows with jon so my room went form semi-clean from when i unpacked and put stuff away to hell-hole in a second and it was nice cause i now have to huge down pillows that i may just role over and sleep on after i finish this entry... so they moved in and chris had to help mike park his car somewhere... and so adam and winger unpacked, but winger left... and to quote "im gonna head back to my place now, and get drunk and hopefully stumble my way back here sometime later, which i thinhk he did"... well i feel as if nothing monumental occured... maybe i just stood around doing nothing... its possible, most likely not, but my memory doesnt serve me well, adam and chris moved their shit out of the way cause they wanted to start drinking soon... and i wasnt sure if i was cause i was going to leahs, but i figured in the end what the hell, ill fall asleep easier even if we cant find a comfortable position... but thats a nonissue... so adam breaks out the alcohol that he bought/brought(there should be a combination of both words, but i guess bought would work as he wouldnt buy it and not bring it when whatever...)well beer is dranken.. and we pull out the beer bong and i sell one of the 2 that i made to fitz, which im glad i did cause i have no reason for 2 beer bongs... so i was the first to bong a beer and then brenna and nadia were here and joey and justin and fitz and me and chris and mike and adam... so we drank alittle while the 2 girls were here but they ditched pretty fast to hang out with 2 new girls from h-town...
jee whiz i like this aside tab
so it turned into all us guys pretty fast, so the drinking games had to start and so we played asshole...i had started drinking cranberry juice and vodka which really kills the kick of the crappy vodka...but i was reaching a point here... drinking games, ohh there was a kegger down the hall... two kids just brought a keg in with one of the yellow bins, pretty classy id say, but their room was ridiculously loud. there were actually like 3 parties on the floor, and then another kegger on the 2nd floor suposidely... but we kept playing and eventually 3 of the girls down the hall came into our room and joined in, and good luck to joey with them cause its a non issue for me or my roommates, lets just say they arent in gemstone, except one of them is, but still, bleh.... well they ended up getting trashed i here, but i was getting ready to leave one of the times and i look over and they are taking pictures and two of them are about to make out on the black down pillows, (so nice pillows they are too) and joey was egging them on, and i turn to adam and crhis and we had a roommate moment where we kinda were proud it was happening in our room, but unproud cause the situation, i dont know what to think besides it was ultimately gross, sorta... im kinda leaning toward indifferent but i dont know, but soon after i left after adam procurred that he was to be enjoying himself on a differnet mental plane soon, as were the rest of the folks in the room, so they left and went outside and i had the room to make a final packing up and departing, which is where ill leave the rest of this story to a choose your own adventure... you write how the rest of my night left... ill leave some clues and continue on soon....
i was semi-drunk
annoyed abit
lassie was on here way to rescuing timmy in the well
the marble game on my computer was working with 102 new levels
i tried to bum puff off of a cigarette chris was smoking but i dont remember why and i know i condemned him for smoking it, maybe i was planning on breaking it in half..
i had put my pjama pants inside my jacket and so it looked like i had a lopsided pregnancy...
boo jon kudlick, (just desserts)...