Weird as it is, this has definitely been the best week I've had since.... psh, I dunno, exam week last year (how come all the good weeks are exam weeks??)
GO SUSHI!!! That's awesome! You totally do have awesome leadership skills and are nice and mature! That's so cool!
Oh, and they might have a problem marrying the Jonas brothers (at least Nick) seeing as Kay decided over a year ago that he is hers. And she will go to extremes to make that ture... (Very scary I know)
Uh oh, looks like Julie's got competition... Can Kay quote every Jonas Brothers song, interview, and video, though? When their local mall show was cancelled did she dress in all black and hold a memorial service? If not, I think Julie may be a little above her as far as obsessions go
Hahaha. You know what the worst part is? Other than the memorial ceremony Kay is just like that. But when she found out Miley Cyrus and him were not dating she practically exploded with joy. She talked about it constantly for about 3 days straight and was all smiley and started planning her wedding. It was really really scary.
GO SUSHI!!! That's awesome! You totally do have awesome leadership skills and are nice and mature! That's so cool!
AWEEE I love baby cousins! :)
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