Jan 13, 2008 00:01
This is what happens when I'm home sick and have too much time to think and look through old stuff...
Why is it that when Italian boys straighten their hair, they suddenly look Asian?
My mom put on her "concerned and overprotective face" today and I swear I could recite every part of her throught process. First she certainly pictured Papa, and then a hundred other relatives I don't know, and then thought of genetics, and then of Dad being adopted and how we never knew if I had a risk of something. Then she looked back at my glass of water and calculated that I've been drinking at least 3 times what I usually do, and then told herself it was certainly just the cold I have, but then she thought maybe not. And again she listed the symptoms of diabetes in her mind, and remembered to keep an eye on that. (And I just rolled my eyes)
Do you ever daydream and drift so far that it's hard to come back to reality?
At New Year's dinner we went around and said what we were thankful for in the past year. Everyone had something to say but the one I will never forget came from Aubrey, a quiet, reserved girl who doesn't usually have much to say, and never anything too personal or from the heart. And she looked at me with sparkling eyes and smiled and said, "I'm thankful for knowing Traci and Susan."
Why does "breaking news" or "top story" always seem to include a celebrity?
Dave and Sara got a puppy a few days ago. David said he gets a warm feeling inside every time he thinks about the puppy. And little Sara's eyes got all big and round and blue and she whispered, "Is it real?"
Is it weird that a dance party at Spinners could become more fun when people start sliding down the ramps in the skate park in the next room?
Tom just sat there, kind of zoned out. Suddenly, his head shot up and he exclaimed "My lip gloss be poppin!" He then pushed his hood over his head so that we couldn't see his face, and informed us that he was "so hood."