A memory of 5 years.

Sep 11, 2006 07:09

Here were my thoughts 5 years ago.


My thoughts now? I have faith. I have faith in the American people that they will come around and bring this country in the right direction. I have faith that this November there will be a change of direction of this country and politicians will stop using 9/11 for personal gain. I have faith that people will see thought the previous and current lies and misdirection of the current administration.

I have faith that our rights will be upheld and that we will understand that freedom should be had and we should not give up our freedoms in order to protect them. As Benjamin Franklin said “The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.”

If the cost of my freedom is that I shall die in the terrorist attack, either as a civilian or as a first responder that is ok. If it means a loved one must die then that is the way it is. We must have our freedoms and if we give them up then we are no different than those who we are fighting.

I start this week off with hope (and some tears) but I have faith. Things will get better, we will move on.

I will always remember the day, the people, the pain, the hope.

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