Shounen Club 2011.06.10 - Taiga, Juri, Yasui at Jr ni Q cut subbed

Mar 25, 2017 14:03

I often download old shokura and cut SixTONES's part now XD it's so fun to watch their chibi version..

This Jr ni Q theme is about a secret. With Yamada and Yabu as MC..
Taiga talked about Taipi's habit to him. Juri talked about Morohoshi, meanwhile Yasui talked about Juri who often gives his seat to old person but always says something after that..

As usual, in Bahasa and English~

[Subtitle Indonesia]

Raw : shokura
Timing-Typesetter-Tranlator : pururucchi

02.39 - 21.5 MB
Hardsub : Mega

[English Subtitle]

Raw : shokura
Timing-Typesetter-Translator : pururucchi
QC : catfromthestar

02.39 - 21.5 MB
Hardsub : Mega

I'm going to upload Taiga's part only, using kyomototaiga's raw.. I've post it at kyomototaiga member-locked community here
I'm sorry if there's any mistake in this sub~
Comments are appreciated~ ;)

shounen club, sixtones, lovetune, tanaka juri, yasui kentaro, kyomoto taiga, subtitle: indonesia, subtitle: english

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