May 08, 2010 00:13

*A notification is sent out to all GDF members, courtesy of one woman feeling very accomplished*

In my time as a Vulture, I came to understand the best fighter is one that is not stressed on the battlefield.  Yes, a number of our own have been captured and that's not a good sign, all things considered.  However, something else Vultures understand is that when you lose something, all you have to do is create the opportunity needed so you can steal it back.

Which is why, starting tomorrow, the GDF's bar, the Super Robot Spirits, will be opened to all members of this organization.  In addition, a modest selection of nonalcoholic beverages will be provided in the case of minors since ignoring a consumer market is bad for business.  I hope that a few hours spent sampling my wares will help any and all patrons to get a little more relaxed and capable so we can take back everything we've lost.

[filtered to Tasuku]

I believe I promised you one free drink as a trial run.  You're still welcome to it.

nerdo wins one internet

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